Chapter Nine~ Anya

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"Come in, Steffie," he mumbled, the light coming in from the open door to shadow his annoyed expression.

Steffie? Was Oli...? No. I refused to think that he'd ever cheat or something like that. Besides, he'd loved me for centuries. Only me... Right?

My thoughts were put to ease as a short and fragile-looking blonde girl entered the room. Her eyes were big and the darkest shade of green is ever seen. Her nails were painted to match, the green bringing out the paleness of her skin. "Sir," she said, her voice light yet high-pitched, "Perce is here to see you."

I saw her eyes flick to me, and I waved. But her eyes widened even more and she stared at the ground as Oli walked to a dresser.

"Thank you, Steffie. When you get a moment, will you see to it that Anastasia here has a lighted room? This one is much too dark."

Steffie nodded, curtsying at the same time. "Yes, sir. Will that be all?"

"Yes, Steffie," he smiled. "Find the room and then take a break. Let Damon take over for a while."

Her smile wasn't noticeable to Olivier. It was one of those oh-my-gosh-that's-my-crush-he's-so-lovable smiles that only girls understood. Small and angelic, especially on Steffie's face. Wait a minute... Did Steffie like this Damon guy? Did Damon like Steffie back? Why wouldn't he? She seemed innocent, and certainly beautiful.

"Yes, sir," she sang, then curtsied again and walked out.

"Who was she? She was cute," I smiled.

It was dark again, but I heard Oli make his way over and sit beside me, his mouth finding mine. "Steffie is... a demon. So is Damon, before you ask. And Perce is my niece."

Laughing, I kissed him. "Do you have to go out there?"

"I'm afraid so," he sighed sarcastically. "But, you are coming with me. Here," he said, handing me what I assumed were clothes.

"Oli," I laughed again, "I can't even see my own hand in front of me. How am I supposed to even know what this is?"

"Oh... I guess I hadn't thought about that."

I hesitated. "Can you see?" I finally asked, immediately wondering if I looked stupid, my eyes instinctively wider to try and let more light in.

"Yes. It's a vampire thing," he audibly smiled.

Gasping, I felt his mouth collide with mine once again, one of his fangs elongating to scrape my bottom lip as he nipped at it teasingly.

"Does this not scare you, Anya?" he asked, tempting me further as he ran his teeth across my neck.

I sucked in a sharp breath and swallowed hard. "No," I squeaked out.

Oli laughed a little, his breath hitting my cheek. "Why not?"

It was obvious what he was doing. Get the human to admit that she wants you to bite her! Well guess what, Oli? I could play, too. Well, I mean... I assumed I could. I'd never really tried before in this life. I was too scared and weak.

"Because it's you," I answered. "I trust you."

"Tell me you want this, Anya," he breathed against my neck.

Psh, what? I was so not giving in that easily. "Oli," I said.

Another knock came just then.

"Godverdomme!" Oli muttered under his breath, standing to get the door.

"Olive!" the girl shrieked, her arms jutting out to bear-hug Oli. Her small frame showed her to be about fifteen years old, her eyes the same fierce blue as Olivier's. Her hair was a medium brown, soft and straight and bringing out the tan in her skin.

"Hey, you! How is everything?" Oli laughed.

She smiled. "It's great! Mom said I could get my car in a few weeks! I am SO excit- who's that?"

I looked up, meeting her curious gaze. "Oh," I said quietly, standing and walking towards the door. "Hi, I'm-"

"Mary," Oli smiled.

The girl's eyes widened and she gasped, jumping up and down. "Oh, Olivier! You didn't?"

"I did," he laughed.

"You found her? But... How? When? Where? Oh, shit, mom wanted to see you. You wanna talk on the way there?"

Oli laughed. "Give me a second, okay? Why don't you go find Allyson? I heard her baby's awake right now."

She gasped. "There's a baby?" she cried as she ran off.

Laughing, Oli wrapped and arm around me and shut the door, plunging us back into darkness. "That was Perce," he smiled.

"Well she seems... energetic," I laughed.

"Yeah, tell me about it," he smirked. "Listen, you need to put this on. It'll help cover your scent."

"Scent...?" I asked, wondering if I stank.

Oli snickered. "Human scent."

Oh... Shit.

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