Chapter Fifteen~ Anya

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The smell of fire burned my nose, charred the air around me. Without thinking, I unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned to the front of the car. "Daddy," I said, my voice coming out small and innocent, "what's that smell?"

"I don't fucking know, Staiz. Just shut the hell up and stay quiet until we get there."

I sat back in my seat, embarrassed to have been chastised in front of the entire family. My two cousins, my aunt, and my father, the only other family I had. Well, besides my uncle Henry. I actually genuinely loved my uncle and cousins, but my uncle hadn't been able to make it. Henry was always busy with something relating to business.

"Hey, Staiz," my cousin Ron whispered. "Don't be upset. It'll be okay."

My smile returned, and I sat back in my seat to stare out the window.

Suddenly, the car was enveloped in overwhelming flames. I yelped, feeling my other cousin, Regina, fold her arms around me and start to dart away from the car. In my state of shock, I managed to see the silhouette of the gas station we'd stopped at just before the car caught fire. A man dressed in all black ran away as fast as he could, and even as an eight-year-old, I knew he'd caused it all.

Just as Regina and Ron began running with me, the gas station exploded, sending us all flying.

I landed on top of Regina, curling up in her weak arms. Noticing her fall limp, I turned to find blood seeping from her cracked skull. Ron, with the same injuries, laid staring up at the night sky, his eyes dull and lifeless.

"Regina? Ron?" I tried. No answer. My thoughts connected and I realized the hard truth with fear. Regina and Ron were dead, along with my father and my aunt, Dalia. They'd all died without me.

My screams were the last thing I heard.


"No! No, Ron, no! Dad, let me go! Let me go!"

It was dark. Someone's hands were around my wrists. I couldn't see, could breathe.

"Stacy," he sternly ordered. "Stacy, you're okay. It's just a dream. Just a nightmare, you'll be okay. You're okay."

Ron's last words repeated in my head. 'It'll be okay.' Would it ever?

Opening my eyes, I found myself in Johnson's room, laying in a pool of my own sweat and tears. A small black bird on the window caught my attention, the night sky glistening back at me as I realized what'd happened. Yet again, I'd dreamed of that last night with my family. I was honestly surprised I hadn't dreamt it around Oli. He would've helped me. He would've held me until I stopped freaking out.

Usually Johnson just waked off and let me cool down on my own. This time, he sat by me and held me to him, his shaggy blonde hair hanging in his face. "You okay, baby?" he asked softly. I nodded, confused by his kindness. "Listen," he started. "I, um... I was thinking while you were gone... You didn't... do anything with that guy... Did you?"

Slowly, I shook my head. I hated, hated lying. Despised it with an intense passion. But, I didn't want to hurt him at all.

"Thank God," he breathed, running a hand through his hair. He kissed me softly. "Listen, I was thinking while you were gone, and... Well, I don't wanna lose you, Stace. I mean, I know I'm not the world's best guy, let alone anywhere close to a good boyfriend. But, I... Dammit, I love you, Anastasia."

I was shocked, staying silent for a few agonizingly long seconds as he searched my eyes. "You... What?" I finally managed.

"I love you, Stace. With all of what's left of my fucking heart, I love you like hell, baby, and I don't want you to leave me. Especially when you've got guys like that crawling all over you. Please, babe. You know I was joking all those years. At least, I hope you know I was kidding. Don't you see the way everyone stares at you? And the way they all flirt and talk and - goddammit, Anastasia, I don't want to lose you. I know you could do so much better. But if there's something I can do to... I don't know, make you love me too, I need you to tell me. I need you to stay with me, baby."

I hated the desperation in his voice, the raw honesty. Especially when I'd just lied. I knew I could never love him like I do Oli, and in all honesty, I never knew he was kidding. I never noticed the stares, the flirting... Anything. Why couldn't he have said this shit years ago? Why couldn't he have told me he loved me before I betrayed him? How long had he actually loved me? When, if ever, did I tell him that I couldn't love him as I did Oli? Would I ever be able to explain? Tell the whole story? What would I do in the mean time?

"I love you, too."

Apparently I was going to keep up my act. Shit.


Jinxx: {Hello, hello! ^-^ I'm sorry I haven't been writing as frequently, been very busy lately. The good news is, the story is taking a turn! Can Anya choose? If so, who? Think you know? Comment and tell me! On a totally unrelated topic, thank you so much for reading this. I've gotten so many amazing comments, and I appreciate all of you for your commitment and liking to the story. Stay awesome!}

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