Chapter Twelve~ Olivier

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I knew she was scared. I could see it in her eyes. Not to mention the fact that, when I let myself in her mind, I could read it clearly. But... I didn't want to admit it. I didn't want to let myself allow her to be afraid of me. But could I hold her back? Did I have the self-control to keep her from feeling how she wanted?

Fuck me.

Walking into the main room, I sat Anya on a couch and stood beside the arm of it. "Everyone," I said, addressing the people in my family who were obviously intimidating Anastasia, "I found Mary again. And, yes, I know none of you like this, but-"

"I'm out," my dad sighed, standing and heading towards the door.

I rolled my eyes, using my control on the air waves to send him flying back to the couch.

"Thank you," I smiled sarcastically. "As I was saying, Mary has returned, but for some reason, I'm nineteen years late in finding her. Whatever it is that's causing this needs to be stopped. And whether you like it or not, I am staying with her. And hopefully... well, turning her."

I heard her swallow hard, her gaze on her hands in her lap. Inwardly wincing, I turned my gaze back to the others.

"I don't get it," my sister said, sighing loudly. "So what if you're nineteen years late? I was twenty-five years late in finding Gerard."

Rolling my eyes, I ignored her comment about her newest fiancé and responded. "That's just it. You didn't know Gerard. In all of her past lives I've been able to track her through blood. I could find her line once she was reborn and track her down from there. But this time... I just couldn't for some reason."

"So you're saying that someone or something is keeping you from finding her scent?"


My cousin Annice chimed in. "Well, whether she's being tracked by someone else or not, what are we going to do about it?"

"That's where Dad comes in," my sister Ellis said. "He needs you to watch for any suspicious people associated with Mary. We know the only way for a scent to be blocked is for the blocker to be associated with the scent."

I smiled, silently thanking her for taking part in this. "Yes," I continued, "and, Avery, can you use mind tricks to see if and when her suspects are being honest?"

My cousin rolled her eyes, her legs and arms crossed as she slouched back against the couch. "You want me to-? Eh, what the heck. I've got nothing better to do. I'm in."

Silently cheering, I felt Anya's hand wrap tightly around mine, and my smile nearly fell. "Alright," I fake-smiled, "so, that makes Dad, Ellis, Avery, and I'm assuming Annice. Anyone else?"

My other two cousins, Jace and Bailey, hesitantly raised their hands. "I know what it's like to be in love," Bailey said when my mother shot him a death-glare.

"And I know what it's like to be bored," Jace laughed, Avery joining in.

I turned to my mom and smiled weakly. "Well?" I asked hopefully.

Crossing her arms, she tilted her chin up and walked out silently, resulting in Anya'a shoulders slumping forward.

"Okay," I murmured, then louder, "well, that makes for the rest of us. Until then, if you follow the door on the right to the end hall, you will find six identical rooms. Choose your own."

They all smiled and filtered out, leaving me to drag Anya down the hall towards my room.

"Oli," she whimpered as I tugged harder on her wrist, my anger blocking my common sence. "Oli, stop," she tried again. I didn't move. "Oli, you're hurting me-"

I whirled around, cutting her off by crushing my mouth against hers. Pushing her against the wall, I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, easing up when she fisted her hands in my hair. "Anya, I-"

"Don't," she breathed, pulling me back down to her. Smirking through her kiss, I pulled back again with great reluctance.

"Let's at least make it back to my room, angel," I whispered.

Her gaze slipped down to my mouth as she nodded in silence.

I pulled her the rest of the way to my room, carefully this time. Once inside, I locked the door and devoured her mouth immediately. Her moans escaped as I bit her bottom lip playfully.

"Oli," she whispered, pulling away.

I nearly growled in frustration. "What is it?" I whispered.

Anya's careful hands pushed the hair from my eyes and she smiled weakly. "Do it."

My question almost flew out, but I stopped myself as I realized her request. Slowly, my eyes traveled to her neck, and I swallowed hard.

"Olivier," she said, putting a hand on my cheek. "Please. I don't want to be scared anymore. Just do it. I don't care if you even turn me or not. I just..."

She grew quiet, assuming I didn't want to bite her.

I slowly kissed her cheek, jaw, neck... My mouth reached the side of her throat, and I sighed. "Are you sure you want this?" I whispered.

"Yes," she whimpered, her hands tangling in my hair.

Kissing the skin one last time, I squeezed my eyes shut with regret and let my fangs grow. Rearing back, I stuck my fangs in her neck and grimaced as she gasped.

To my surprise, she didn't scream. She moaned, pulling me closer to her and leaning her head back. Without moving my mouth, I laid her on the bed and listened to the various noises she made. After a while, I pulled away and watched as the red faded from her half-lidded, lust-affected eyes.

"Don't leave me, Oli," she breathed, pulling me down to kiss her hard. My hands slid under her dress and up her leg, wrapping it around my waist.

Dammit, I wasn't going to be able to stop tonight.

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