Chapter Thirteen~ Anya

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I woke up completely naked under Oli's black satin sheets. The cool material pressed against my skin as I held it to my chest, sitting up with a smile. My eyes wandered around the room; a few scattered clothing items here and there, a pillow on the floor, a torn quilt thrown on a shelf... And Oli's sleeping form to the right of me.

I sat straddling him and grazed my lips across his cheek, doing my best not to wake him. Despite my efforts, Olivier stirred and slowly opened his vibrant blue eyes.

"Hey, baby," he smiled, kissing me softly, over and over and over again.

"Hello," I laughed through his kiss. Uh... Make that kisses.

"How do you feel?" he sighed, seemingly worried.

I thought for a second, seriously considering his question. How did I feel? Well, my veins were racing, excited about all the empty space for new blood. My mind was racing with the events last night held, my skin was burning with the desire and the after-feel of Olivier's touch, and my heart stopped beating every time he looked at me.

"I feel... wonderful," I smiled, flipping my hair out of my face and kissing him hard. I grinded against him, running my hands up his chest.

Oli growled. "Anya, if you keep doing that, I'll never get up."

Who said we had to? "Why do you still call me Anya?" I asked, smiling as I searched his eyes.

He sighed. "I just figured you're you. You've gotten used to the life of Anastasia. I have a feeling if I called you Mary, you'd be a little disgusted with the name. As if she were, say, another girl?"

I laughed, kissing him softly. "You so know me. It's a little freaky."

"Well," he smiled, "that's what you get after a few countless centuries."

Smiling softly, I kissed down his neck and finally reached his chest. "You know," I whispered, "your bite wasn't as bad as you make it out to be. It was a little seductive, actually. And extremely... addictive."

Forcing back a laugh, I heard him swallow hard as he fought not to take me again. "Anya-"

"Come on, Oli. Do it. You know you want to."

He gulped again, finally flipping us so that he was on top. "Anya, don't-"

"Bite me."

I meant it rhetorically and literally, but no part of me regretted saying it as his eyes burned red and his teeth plunged into my skin, the thick red liquid inside pouring out in a rush. It was like my blood itself had anticipated coming out just to be digested or whatever by Oli. My head fell back in ecstasy, and I accidentally moaned. I could feel his soft tongue swirling against me as he lapped up the blood that flowed out, his teeth moving around in the punctured wounds they created. I winced slightly as he finally pulled away, his mouth drenched in blood.

"Shit," he panted, kissing me hard. I wasn't worried about the blood. If anything, it was sexy on him. Besides, once he pulled away, he licked it all off of me. "Are you okay?" he asked, not bothering to hide his concern.

I laughed. "You need you stop asking that so much."

"Olive, you in there?" Perce called through the door.

Oli stopped kissing me and laid his head on my shoulder. "Dammit," he muttered, then louder, "coming, Persephone."

Groaning, I watched him get up and tug his pants on. Well... more like saw, not watched. He flashed, using his vampiric speed to get to the door faster.

The conversation wasn't as audible, seeing as Oli's room was huge, and I was on the other side. Still, I was able to make out a few words.

"... Mom... Won't... Left... Vancouver... Call... Safe... Let... Go."

I stood to get dressed and just maybe pick up on the conversation a little more.

"Perce, you know I won't-"

"No, I know. I know... But she doesn't. Olivier, she's never been in love. I mean, no offense, but everyone knows she only married your father for her mother's sake. You need to call her, Olive. Once she left - and we all knew she would - she was out for good. She doesn't understand that desirable pain of being in love."

Oli sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah. I know, Perce."

There was a pause. "Hold on," she finally said. "Is that... BLOOD on your mouth?"

He started frantically wiping at his mouth, staring at the doorframe. "N-no..."

I heard Perce gasp as I slid on my dress, now fully-clothed. "Oh my-! Oli, you SLUT! Where is she?"

He rolled his eyes, trying to act all nonchalant about it. "No, she- she's not-"

"Hey, Perce," I smiled, coming around the corner after quickly finger-combing my hair.

Persephone burst out laughing, doubling over with her arms around her stomach. "Oh, man! That's priceless!"

As she continued her laughs, Olivier shut the door and rolled his eyes. "She... Um... I've never actually... Well, I never... Bit you before..."

It was my turn to laugh now, doubling over and everything. Oli groaned, picking me up and shoving me against the wall. "Oh, shut up," he smiled, kissing me softly. His hand traveled up my leg, tracing the waistband of my-

"Olivier. Get out here."

He groaned again, letting me get to my feet and frown. "This isn't over," he whispered, kissing me softly.

This time, it was his father, who looked like he could be Oli's brother. "Olivier," he said, "look, I... I know your mom isn't being the most supportive she could be, but you need to see this from her-"

"For the last time," Oli muttered, trying to keep his cool, "I am not going to try and see things from her point of view. Look, she doesn't like Anya. I get that. But I love her, and I am not willing to change that for anyone."

There was a very long moment of silence, in which I shifted uncomfortably from where I stood out of his father's sight. "Alright," his dad finally murmured. "Just think about what's right. What's going to keep this family together."

"I would rather our family fall apart than lose her again," Oli spat in his face before shutting the door.

I watched with a pitied look as his long legs swallowed up the space between us. My pity changed to shock as he forcefully kissed me, his tongue slipping between my lips. "I don't care who the fuck knocks on that door next," he breathed. "Neither one of us are interrupting this."

For some unknown reason, Johnson popped into my mind, and it took everything in me not to wince in disgust, for him and myself. I hadn't broken up with him yet, hadn't even said a word to him since... Well, hell, I didn't even know how long I'd been gone. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to feel like a slut just because I wanted the love of my life, but hadn't said goodbye to the only guy I'd ever kissed in this life. What the hell was the answer? Could I figure out on my own? Most importantly, would I have the guts to say goodbye to anyone?

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