Chapter three

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Hi guys! Sorry I didn't update last night. I went out with a friend and came home sort of late. I will try to write two chapters today though! Enjoy :)

Warning: this story does not belong to me!

This chapter gets a little steamy

America's POV:

I run after Maxon has he escapes the women's room. I get that I have been teasing him a lot today but sending his mother to talk to me about sex was a little bit much. 

"MAXON!" I yell after him. He has a huge grin on his face as he run up to stairs to the second floor. His hair is getting all messed up and his suit is getting wrinkled. Suddenly I don't have eyes on him anymore. Out of the corner of my eye is see him creep up behind me. Now it is my turn to run. 

"You can run but you can't hide!" Maxon chases me back down the stairs. I am about to run into the library when I feel strong arms wrap around me waist. 

"Caught you,"  he whispers. He turns me around so I am looking at him. Suddenly it hits me,

"Maxon don't you have meetings and work today!" He chuckles at my late reaction 

"No, my love. I took the week off because we are newly engaged." I sigh my relief and go back to looking into his eyes.  He has a glint in his eyes as he brings his lips to mine. He slowly pulls away  and grabs my hand.

"Maxon.....where are we going?" Usually I would have though we were going to the gardens but we have already passed them. I love it when he is like this. Care free and happy. Now that he has a break from work he is not as stressed.That's when I hear the soft pitter patter on the windows. It's raining. He guides us to the roof and opens the door. The smell hits my nose and I am instantly hit with joy. I turn to him,

"I love you."

"I know."

"No. I can not describe how much I love you. Without you I would be nothing and I would be alone. You forgive me for everything and you ask for so little. You know what tiny things make me happy. I love you more than words." I have tears softly falling down my cheeks at this point.

Maxon looks at me and softly kisses the tears off my cheeks. Then he pushes me into the rain I am soaked in seconds. He follows me out into the down pour.

"Would you like to dance?"

I smile and take his hand. We dance for what I am sure was 20 minutes even though it feels like hours. 

"Want to play a game?" He asked

"What game?"

"Same one as last time."

He wants to play questions. 

"Why not. You first"

"Ok. When did you realize you loved me?"

I smile at the thought. 

"When we were up here last time in the rain. We were dancing and I realized how happy I was."

He pecks me on my lips before I ask my question.

"How many kids do you want?"

"Well, however many you want. It is your body. However, I would like more than 2."

He's so considerate. I lean in and kiss him. This time no teasing him will be involved. He leans into the kiss and deepens it. He licks my bottom lip. I allow it entrance. Wanting to speed things up I start to undo his tie. He smiles in the kiss and starts unbuttoning his shirt. When it is finally all  off I take in his abs. 

"Wow," I say. He blushes and asks to take off my dress. I  nod and turn around for him to undo the zipper. Suddenly I feel a wave of nervousness. What if he doesn't like how I look?

"Maxon," I say as I turn around.

"Yes darling?" He replies with lust in his eyes.

"I just want you to know I am not the skinniest and I don't have the biggest boobs. I don't have shaved legs and-I am cut off by Maxon wrapping me in his arms.

"America you are perfect. You are the prettiest woman I have ever seen. I don't care of other girls have more. You are amazing. And for the shaving part..well I have hairy legs too."

I laugh at him and we continue where we left off.


Maxons POV:

That was amazing. Even though we didn't go all the way. We are now dressed again and walking back to our rooms. That was most definitely the farthest we have ever gone. I hate that she thinks she is not pretty. It makes me angry. My thoughts get cut off by a guard approaching us.

"Your Majesty's I have a response from Lady May." When I look up I realize it is Aspen. 

"Oh drop the formalities Aspen," America spoke.

Aspen chuckled before continuing,

"Lady May did not cry..."

America sighed and I had a victorious smile on. 

"However, Lady Kenna was there and she tried the tarts. She did cry. Not sure what this means for ur bet but it seemed worth mentioning." 

America looked at me and spoke, 

"I think I should win because you already got ur reward." She had a massive grin on her face and I Knew I wasn't winning this. 

"Also, Her majesty the Queen and told me to inform you that tomorrow there will be an engagement ball. Not too big just both of ur families, friends, and the Italian royal family."

"All right thank you Aspen." He bows and walks away.

"Let's go to bed now." America said.

I knew she was tired. We had a fun day though. 

After we both got ready for bed I knew that I was finally where I belonged. 

"I love you," I whispered to the America in my arms but she was to far gone.

Another chapter done! Hope you liked it. 

Comment and leave suggestions!

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