Chapter Five

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Hey everyone I know I have published a lot today! This will be my 3 update of the day. I have been super bored and have had nothing better to do. Hope you enjoy!

America's POV:

As we were walking out of the Palace Maxon pulls me back for a second.

"Don't listen to them. I know you like to interact with them. But just not today please."

"Ok." I was sad I could talk to the children but I understand why. As the guards opened the doors the screams could be heard all over the world I'm sure. There was also a bunch of 

"Miss America! Miss America over here please!" And "how do you feel about the paper?" 

I ignored them and walked straight into the car after waiving s couple of times and putting on a fake smile. I sighed as I got into the car and rested my head on Maxons shoulder. He kissed my head and said something. However, I had already fallen asleep.


Maxons POV: 

As we pulled into America's family's driveway I shook her awake to tell her we had arrived. Thankfully there was not any reporters here as there was back at the castle. Because her family had just moved to Angeles. It was a much shorter trip. As we got out of the car May bolted to America.

"AMERICA! YOUR HERE!" She was screaming and I mean screaming 

America laughed before responding.

"Yes May we are here now let's go inside."

We looked at each other before turning around and walking into the house. Only to be stopped by  May screaming again and turning around. 

"I forgot to hug you!" She said as she ran over to me and hugged me tightly. I see America walk into the house. I squatted down to be Able to fully hug her back. Before she pulled away she whispered,

"I see how you look at each other. It is so cute, just do me a favor and don't hurt her. I know you won't but she has already been through so much. And I know you have too. I love you, Big bro." 

I smile and gasp. She has never called me that. I have never had siblings so she has no idea how much this means to me. 

"Wouldn't dream of it. Love you too, little sis." She smiled and walked back into the house. I walked back in and wrapped my arms around America.


America's POV: 

Maxon and I are sitting on the couch just sitting with our thoughts when Aspen walks up to us. He came along with us for security. 

"Hello, America and Maxon," he says not being formal thankfully,

"I have received a letter from Her Majesty the Queen and she has said that the ball has been pushed back until tomorrow so you can spend the night here if you wish."

I smile at the thought of being normal for longer. 

"That's what we will do. Thank you Aspen." 

"I can't wait to see the Singers in their natural habitat," Maxon joked.


Real quick- a part of this chapter has lyrics from "A living human girl," by the Regrettes 

America's POV:

A had changed into one of Maxons shirts that is a simple gray t-shirt that he wears to bed sometimes. I stole and Maxon pretends to be angry but I think he secretly enjoys it. I am also wearing black sweatpants a slippers. And I have never been happier to be back in regular clothes. 

"America! Can you take the trash out," Mom was shouting from the other room. 

"Sure one second!" I yell back.

Maxon is laughing at me from his spot in the couch. 

"What?!" I say laughing at him. 

"I have never seen you yell In response to something like that and is it just funny to me."

I leave him there laughing by himself and grab the trash bag. 

As I walk outside into the damp air I see a camera flash. No. No no no no no! 

"Lady America! Care to answer a few questions?" I look and see it is just the one reporter.

"Why are you wearing that and not a nightgown? You are always perfect and gorgeous and look like a princess."

Then I see more reporters walking up. Now there is about 10-15 people watching me stare at them. 

"I am not perfect." 

"How so?"

(AN- this is where some song lyrics come in. She is not singing them just talking.)

"Well for starters," I've got pimples on my face and grease in my hair and I've got prickly legs." I feel all the eyes on me and you can hear the mouths hit the floor.

"No, sure go ahead and stare."

 They don't move a muscle.

"I also have an ass full of stretch marks and little boobs. And what you call fat is a nice full belly filled with food. Sometime I'm pretty and sometimes I'm not. And right now is really one of those  moments I am not. But you only seems to capture these moments."

"This is highly improper!" Right now I could not care less. I am tired of them all watching my every move. 

"Let's take a listen to everything that is wrong about me that is really normal but is not ok just because I am a princess! I am human too." I breathe before starting up again.

"I don't exercise and I don't read books so if you want to criticize me, go ahead, and take a look. And no I am not being bossy, I'm saying how I feel and I'm not a bitch for stating what is real. Sometimes I'm girly and dressed up and sometimes I am in sweats and in the love of my life shirt."

"Lady America!" 

"Oh yeah how could I forget, I bleed once a month. I bleed every month and you guys don't even care. Sometimes when I shave I get little red bumps!" This is where it started to get Even worse.

"I wear short skirts and sometimes long pants, And I can dress how I want, not looking for a show of hands, Sometimes I'm moody and sometimes I'm not, Sometimes I'm lazy and sometimes I'm not, Sometimes I'm crazy and sometimes I'm not, Sometimes I'm angry and sometimes I'm not, Sometimes I'm happy and sometimes I'm not, I'm still gonna be here even after your best shot!" Right now I am screaming at the reports with tears running down my eyes.With that I through the trash in the can and walk inside and slam the door.Hope you enjoyed!

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