Fanfic Info + Prologue

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(Y/N) - Your Name

(L/N) - Last Name

(N/N) - Nickname

(H/C) - Hair color

(E/C) - Eye color

(F/C) - Favorite Color 

This is my first fanfic, but I'll do my best to make it a good one, so just relax and come along for the ride if you'd like. Also, unless I straight up die or something, you don't need to worry about me not updating. I like to think that instead of just discontinuing a story, in the worst case scenario I would just rush the ending to get it done. If I know it will be a long time or I discontinue it, I will update about it, so don't worry about that. If it's been years and I haven't said a word, I'm straight up dead, so just tell me to fly high or whatever. Hope you enjoy the fic!

(Edit: The chapters do get longer after the first few ones, and I'll always make an effort to edit any chapters the same time I publish a new one, so if you see any activity on this book, it will have a new chapter, I swear I don't mean to spam your notifications for nothing.)


As a high schooler who was addicted to anime and dove into fandoms deeper and deeper every chance she got, (Y/N) (L/N) lived a surprisingly normal life. She had decent grades despite the fact that she failed assignments and assessments occasionally, she made a couple friends, and she had a few things she found that she was good at. However, in one way, she was rather unique. (Y/N) was a magnet for bad luck, which in particular, meant that cars somehow always seemed to be heading in her direction. 

Whenever she crossed streets she would have to run as fast as she could to avoid collision and ultimately, death. Once she was even walking on the sidewalk and a car swerved, just barely missing her after she noticed and stepped out of the way. (Y/N) had been in two car accidents, and miraculously survived both. Now a teenager, (Y/N) had adapted to these conditions of her life, and developed strategies for escaping them. 

One morning, she left her house to walk to school, which was safer than driving on the roads, and quickly ran across the street, almost getting hit by a speeding minivan in the process. (Y/N) sighed. 'Damn.' She came to a stop. 'Really thought truck-kun had me that time.' 

She shook her head to clear her mind and started to walk again when some STUPID KID decided to run into the middle of the street without looking both ways. (Y/N) quickly turned around and saw a moving truck heading straight for the boy. Without properly thinking, she rushed forward and realized the situation, internally groaning. 'I better get so much good karma for this.' She pushed the kid out of the way just as she made contact with the truck, whose lights seemed to be gleaming evilly. 

(Y/N) flew back a couple yards before hitting the ground and rolling until she came to a stop. 'I hope I'm not alive long enough to start feeling this' she wished silently. 'I really am gonna die huh. I'm coming Daichi, see you real soon.' (Y/N) allowed a single tear to escape as she closed her eyes, the rays of heaven shining down on her. 'and kid, you d u m b little shet, I hope both sides of your pillow are warm tonight.' With that last curse, she let herself slip into darkness, and died. 

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