12- Entrance Exams

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It was the morning of the exam, February 26.

Grabbing a quick breakfast and departing early in the morning, you made it to the beach to catch Izuku. Once you arrived, you saw him tugging trash to a huge pile away from the sea. He was working so hard, it seemed wrong to interrupt him, so you lowered yourself and criss-crossed your legs beneath you on the ground. 

You scrolled your phone, playing some insignificant and completely pointless game called Cow Evolution. It didn't amount to anything, but it sure was easy to pass the time with. 

A car door slammed and you lifted your head up, pausing your constant tapping on the screen. All Might stepped out of a gray truck with a thick coat and scarf. 

Izuku shouted- scratch that- screamed, from the top of the small mountain of trash, and you pulled yourself up, wincing and slightly recoiling from the shrill sound.

You knew that it was coming, but being so close to it yourself made for a rather unpleasant experience, given that it was as surprising and irritating if not more so than a school fire alarm, and you had a heightened sense of hearing. 

It's too early for this. How about we sleep? Nah we've got the test. Damn. Why don't we just drop dead? Like, just for today? Why not?

Toshinori was astonished. "Hey, hey, holy crap kid."

"You even cleaned up outside the area I told you to! Seriously. There's not one speck of trash left on this beach!" The sand lining the coast was so clear of trash, it seemed to shine in the rising sun's light. 

At the beginning of the regimen, this had been one of the most cluttered, unappealing places you'd ever seen, and yet all by himself, Izuku had been able to transform it into one of the most open beaches ever.

You'd been living in an island nation all this time, but somehow this newly fixed shoreline was the most beautiful beach you 'd ever known. All of All Might's compliments to Izuku were well deserved.

Surveying the new view of the sea, All Might's voice was laced with awe. "Only a few minutes to spare, but you exceeded my expectations! Holy... stinking... supercrap!" With that last astounded word, he transformed into his hero form. 

Exhausted, Izuku swayed back and forth before losing his place on the mountain and falling to the ground. With your hands stuck in the pockets of your jacket, you sauntered over while the buff hero caught Izuku.

"Excellent work young Midoriya." The man congratulated, setting him down. Izuku's eyelids drooped slightly, a sign that the adrenaline of roaring was wearing off. "I finished everything, All Might. I did it. Do you think I'm ready now?"

Standing tall in his power form, All Might did not falter in his never ending grin. "Yeah, you did good kid. Gotta say, I'm impressed. I saw you had it in you, but this is beyond."

A phone was pulled up to regular person face level, prompting you to take a look at the screen. In the picture, Izuku was crying on the beach next to a huge, heavy looking metal box.


"It's you crying ten months ago. Look at how far you've come. Such improvement. There's still a long road ahead of you before you can inherit my full power set, but it's starting to look like you can do it."

Well I'll have you know I always believed in him-

"All Might... do I deserve this? Are you sure?" Unsure, Izuku wanted to confirm if he really was good enough to still train under the number one hero. Of course he never wanted to stop, but it felt as if it was almost too good to be true.

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