20- The Snicketing

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TW: Violence

I do not feel the need to be specific as you all have seen the series, but just be aware that these events will exist throughout the book. 

Eating breakfast was as mundane as usual today. It was always rather slow and boring, with whatever you ate consisting of the same portions given as every other day. The most unusual part was rather the usual day-to-day consistency you were experiencing, because if you didn't know any better you might genuinely believe that nothing bad was coming. That school was safe, that you were safe, and that your friends were safe. But that would be a lie.

A lie to yourself, however bitterly unconscious you might have been to trust in a belief like that. You absentmindedly moved your spoon through the now soggy remains of rice in your bowl. This world wasn't safe- that's why there were heroes, as well as why there were villains. It could be easy to forget for most people, but you were aware just as much as any adult pro- perhaps even more so- of the dangerous nature of this world's society.

Following a quick wash of the bowl in the sink, you stuffed two notebooks into your backpack. The ruminative air stuck to you as you walked to school. The pensive nature of your thoughts meant that time passed fast, and it also meant that you missed how your mother looked at you strangely as she opened the front door for you to walk out. 

Swinging your pen around, you were slightly aware of Aizawa discussing the day's events when the class stood up from their seats and went to grab their uniforms. As you fitted yourself into the suit, Ochako tilted her head at you. "(Y/N), are you all right?" She asked concernedly. 'She's been pulling her sleeves on for the last five minutes.'

You paused and smiled at her. "I'm fine, just a little distracted. Thanks for asking though." Stretching out and shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you joined the other students outside. 

Seeing the bus and the people eagerly awaiting beside it, your pulse sped up slightly. If you were going to say something, it had to be now. However if you weren't careful, the wrong words might slip out and a veil of suspicion would come over you. The thought had certainly crossed your mind to keep your mouth shut, but that wasn't what you wanted at all.

No- I've gotta do something. A good deed is a good deed, no matter how small. (However tiny and shriveled that good deed may be.)

"Mr. Aizawa?" You waved to him to catch his attention, taking steps forward. "What is it (L/N)?" His authoritative eyes bored into yours while almost imperceptibly, you shook your head to break past the wall of awful (that invisible plot device deep within your heart that told you to keep from interfering with the canon developments even when you'd made up your mind to do so).

"Sir, I feel like something bad is going to happen at the training." His eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?" Powering through your nerves, you continued. "Part of my quirk is a sense of warning that can help me detect dangerous things before they happen. When you mentioned that we were going to an off-campus facility, I got a foreboding feeling."

Well, you only half-lied. Something was going to happen, and the spider sense did tell you when something dangerous was coming. Maybe not to the extent you described, but he didn't need to know that.

He watched you with a contemplative expression and you began to worry that the serious-convincing face you wore betrayed your thoughts. A few moments after, he sighed. "I'll keep an eye out while we're there. Just try not to worry about it (L/N). Teachers will be there if anything happens."

His response raised your spirits lightly and you nodded with a smile. "Thank you!" Maybe he wrote you off, but it was done. I can't say what good that'll do, but I did what I could. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22 ⏰

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