18- Applejack?

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When you heard All Might's declaration indicating the start of the round, a lightbulb went off in your head. People were allowed to leave the building, as long as they stayed within a certain area.

When it was Todoroki's round, Shoji was allowed to stay outside rather than be told to head inside. UA was pretty relaxed most of the time with rules like that. They were considered more like suggestive guidelines than actual rules.

In the first place, no one even specified you had to stay in or enter the building. They probably planned the training exercise that way so that they wouldn't put long distance fighters at a disadvantage.

There was no reason villains couldn't leave as well, and you weren't necessarily bound by trying to not break parts of the building.

You were both villains after all.

Yaoyorozu finished the majority of her work barring up the doorway entrances and you turned to her.

"Yaoyorozu, I'm gonna go on ahead. I think you can handle yourself here, so protect the weapon and I'll go take down the heroes." Confusion filled her gaze. "I already closed up the exits and entrances though..." she trailed off uncertainly.

"Don't worry about it." You gave her a confident thumbs up. "Do you have enough left to make me some rocks?" She nodded and conjured a few rocks to hand to you.

You walked over to the far wall and tapped the window with your knuckle as you spoke assuredly. "I can shoot webs and climb walls remember? All I need to do is open up one of these windows and get down to wherever the heroes entered to sneak up on them from behind."

Even then, if it was somehow impossible for you to find their entrance, you could always just go ahead and break the walls, but something told you that might be frowned upon even if you were playing as a villain.

You had the decency to think about your surroundings unlike some specific hot-tempered boy who generally didn't care for much except getting the job done.

Yaoyorozu thought for a moment and then replied. "Alright then, just make sure to be careful. We don't know their strengths or what their plans are."

"As long as you stay here to keep them away from the weapon, I'm confident we can win this. See you at the end of the round!" You waved at her before taking a rock and bashing it into a window, breaking the glass away from it.

Taking a running start from the other end of the room, you jumped out of the window and used your web to swing from the side of the building down to the ground, the glass shards falling around you as you swung in the air.

Hidden beneath your mask, a satisfied smirk appeared. I've always wanted to do that.

Trying to be as quiet as possible, you made your way to the hero entrance and entered, carefully passing hallways while looking to find Kaminari and Jiro.

I don't know how effective Jiro's hearing with her earphone jacks is, but all I can do is hope that she doesn't notice something she's not looking for.

After a few minutes of skulking around, you heard a hushed conversation.

There they are. In such a small and closed area, climbing the walls wouldn't have much benefit, and I would be faster on the ground. I don't know if I can face them both though. I could use my super strength, but if Jiro gets to me with a long range attack before I do, I'll lose. I'll have to separate them somehow.

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