200k Special: The Devious Lick

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We made it to 200K! Thank you for reading, and enjoy this short bonus for the milestone!

In this day and age, only grandparents would recall a world substantially different for multiple reasons. Was it the emergence of quirks? No, it was something far greater, for the lost generation had been the only to live in the most powerful age of 'social media influencing'.

Long ago, the schools lived in harmony. Then everything changed when the 'Tik-tockers' attacked. Only moral consciences could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished. A hundred years passed and my friends and I discovered books of ancient history that spoke of magic unknown for decades. The class president discovered the uncovered witchcraft, and declared war. And although his observational skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anything. 

Do I believe that he can save anything? Probably not. 

The world? Maybe. That said, Ingenium's brother might have some power going for him, but despite how much he values the classroom, he lacks the ability to protect it. 

"Hey guys, check this out." Kaminari pointed at a page on a history book. "There was something called a 'devious lick' back in the day" The Mina looked over his shoulder. "What is it?" Your grin grew in size. "It was a trend where students would 'lick' things from their school." Ojiro frowned. "They licked things? That's disgusting." You shook your head. "No, it's just a phrase- 'lick' in this context means taking something." They seemed interested. "What kinds of things would they 'lick?" You waved your hand. "Anything really. Nothing was off limits, but only some had the skill to pull off anything." Perhaps you might have made the devious lick trend sound too appealing, because disaster ensued shortly after. To be fair, it was almost completely your fault. All right, there was nothing fair about it, but it was absolutely still your fault.

It started small. 

The first victim was a pencil sharpener on Aizawa's desk. It wasn't to be missed in any capacity as he only wrote with pens. It was a mere test- an experiment to feel the first high of snatching. User 'St1cky_arms' took credit for it. 

The second was a salt shaker from the cafeteria. One could only imagine what heinous acts the culprit was committing with the four dollar iodized salt container. This crime was the work of 'Zeus3435', and was noticed. The next day a small note was posted by the table for condiments as follows: "Remember to return all shakers at the end of lunch!" with a smiley face. That happy emoticon could strike guilt in even the most detached, unresponsive thief. Unfortunately for whoever made the note, the trend participants were not of such a weak nature.

"Guys, now I feel kind of bad. Don't you think we might be going a bit too far?" Kirishima rubbed his neck as he sat at a desk. (See the missing pair of red dumbbells posted to 'Get_Sturdy').

"Of course not!" Mina heaved her backpack onto a table. "It's all harmless fun! Besides, it is really funny." Hagakure nodded(?) and agreed. "I still can't forget a word of what Mr. Vlad King wrote in his diary. It was just so cute!" (See the ripped page of a teacher's diary posted by 'EmpT', of which the account owner was respectful enough to blur any written identifying person's characteristics. However, a confidant not to be named informed you that the page contained a sweet soliloquy with the writer gushing about their wife and newborn daughter.) 

Hagakure had not initially been up for the idea, but it didn't take much to convince her when she was reminded of all the juicy teacher drama she could learn about. The activity soon became a class event and everyone wanted in, or they wanted to fit in. Clear peer pressure came into play with the convincing of Izuku and Koda. A broken tile of development studio was contributed (of which you believe was freely given to the 'SmallMight' user), and a little birdie told you that the bush shrubs from the cafeteria thrive beautifully when transplanted to a new pot (See 'Friendsnotfood').

A certain grape had a particular request in what to 'devious lick', but you practically threw him out of the room before he finished his sentence. (See- no. Just no.)

"You guys are so dramatic." Jiro smiled at the group. "You can't seriously like this so much." Denki whipped around. "I beg to differ! This isn't just fun- this is art." 

"It's glorified stealing." Jiro countered. "What would Iida have to say about this?" To this, the others looked around wildly. "You wouldn't." You hissed at her. Iida, in the role of class president, had taken it upon himself to investigate the disappearances of the 'licked' items. He'd formed a sort of committee to prevent such occurrences. "Sort of" being added as he was the only member of said committee, but he did make it his mission to find the persons responsible.

On the bright side, he'd automatically assumed it had been none of you because you'd built up trust with him. On the not so bright side, he'd gotten Ryo Inui involved, so any caught student would be severely punished to say the least.

Which was why aside from the salt-shaker incident, all of the devious licks had gone under the radar. What really did it was the disappearance of a rather large metal clamping tool from the development studio. Not because of the tool itself (though it was worth rather much), but because a security camera far away had caught a glimpse of the person carrying it. Luckily it was far enough away for it to give plausible deniability, but that didn't allow for much when only one person in the whole school had skin painted bright pink. (See 'Pinky' [Exhibit B for why plausible deniability was practically nonexistent]).

"I told you to be careful!" You reprimanded Mina. "I know!" She whined, "I had it all planned out- I thought it would be fine! I didn't know there was a camera on the west building!" 

"It was sloppy. You can do better." Mina frowned. "I'd like to see you do better! How was I supposed to get away with something that big?" You chuckled ominously at this. "You're beneath me. All of you. Soon you'll see. You'll all understand then!" They all watched as you menacingly backed out the doorway.

Some days later, bathrooms were closed around the school when a toilet went missing. There was no witness. No evidence. Only the empty stall space and an internet post remained as proof of the most devious lick. Students all over the academy- no- the district- whispered of the credited bandit. 


(1128 words)

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