4- Here Comes the Boy

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A/N - There's no official timeline so I'm just gonna do what I can.

In the three years you spent as an infant, you had come to learn quite a few things about the place you were born. 

Your mother's name was Jin (L/N) and her quirk was an unusual dreaming type futurevision ability. It wasn't terribly powerful from what everyone knew, it just gave hints and parts to her dreams that came true in the next day, or in the next ten years. 

She couldn't choose for it to happen, and it could be hard for her to decipher what was the dream and what was her quirk, so she likely didn't put too much stock in it. In a way, you could see how maybe that side of the family could give you your future quirk. It seemed at least a little bit similar to your spider sense.

Your father's name was Haruto (L/N) and he was a doctor. His quirk was like X-ray vision, and he used it in the hospital to save critical patients time that could instead be used for treatment. 

You admired his desire to help people who were sick, and even though he left to work more often than maybe some other parents, you didn't mind because you knew he was doing something more important.

You also had a brother who was older than you by four years, named Renjiro, and his quirk was something interesting called Recall, which was the ability to take objects of his or another's memory (provided they describe it to him) and project it outside of his mind onto a medium. 

For example, if he saw something he forgot to take a picture of, he could remember it and project it on a piece of blank paper, and it would be as good as a printed photo. His quirk was a particular favorite of yours, as you planned to use him later on to help you identify random songs you had forgotten the name of.

It had been difficult to learn another language, but now at least, you knew some Japanese and English from your previous life so that in the future you would at least have decent grades in English class. 

Not that you were an expert at Japanese. You still weren't even in school yet.

You had thought about your actions for the future extensively as you approached the time when you would officially enter the story. 

The first day of Kindergarten was coming up soon. In America, there was preschool or pre-k, and in Japan the equivalent was called Kindergarten.

That meant Izuku had to already be three or four, and only had a little time left before he got the news about his quirk. You wanted to meet him before that happened.

Now, the time had finally come. You stood in front of the daunting school building with your parents as children and family walked in. Once you reached the door to your class, your parents smiled at you, said they were sure you would have fun, and waited for you to enter. The big talks about school had already been had back at home so they were unnecessary at this time. 

You walked through the open door and the pink haired teacher greeted you. "Hello! I'm Ms. Kondo, I'll be your teacher this year. What's your name?" In response, you replied, "I'm (Y/N) (L/N) miss, and I really like your hair!"

Your teacher blinked in surprise and touched her hair, smiling. "Thank you very much! Yours looks pretty too! Why don't you go join the other kids?" People in this world really don't know how cool they look. I never saw a single pink haired person myself my entire last life, and here they're just 'plain'! Are you kidding me?

You walked over to where the children were as Ms. Kondo greeted a boy behind you. There were some desks towards the front of the classroom with names on them, and cubbies in the back of the room. 

You scanned the classroom, and you sighed in relief when you didn't spot Bakugo. He was going to be in the class, and you knew he would be coming, but you were a bit nervous about having to deal with him. 

Bakugo was a great character, but as a person, especially as a child, you didn't know how you were going to respond to him. His personality got better, but when he was a kid he was particularly cocky and just... downright mean.

Pushing that thought aside, you continued to search, finally noticing a small green haired boy sitting by himself while he played with an All Might figurine. Izuku! 

Although, instead of looking lonely because he didn't have friends to talk to, he couldn't have seemed happier. Izuku had a wide grin on his face as he pulled the toy All Might through the air as if it was flying. 

Taking in a deep breath, you walked over to the boy. He didn't seem to notice you until you stood right next to him. "Hi!" You smiled at him. "So you like All Might too?" Immediately Izuku's eyes lit up. "Are you kidding? All Might's the awesomest! He's the best! You think so too right?"

 Happy you managed to get such a positive response, you quickly nodded and commented, "All Might is pretty cool! I want to be a great hero just like him actually!" His jaw dropped, exclaiming,"I do too! I want to save people just like he does!" He holds the figure up high in the air with a triumphant look on his face as he laughs. 

Since you were straight up impatient, you didn't want to wait and straightforwardly asked, "Do you wanna be friends?" Izuku looked over at you and his eyes sparkled. "Really? You mean it?" 

You grinned at him, holding your hands up and out at each side, "Yup, and then we can both become heroes together! Just like All Might!"

Izuku smiled at you repeating your words, like a promise. "Just like All Might!"

(1019 words)

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