3- A New Life

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You couldn't help but feel giddy, and you grinned as he handed you a paper giving pointers and things to note that he would probably explain anyway. "For starters, since you died saving a boy when otherwise you would receive no damage, you have five open wishes about your life in the next world. You may choose whatever you wish relating to your physical body or skills, with some exceptions. That paper I just gave you contains some examples should you need any."

With that information, you zoned out to think deep in your own mind. I have to be specific about what I want my quirk to be. I can't leave it up to chance, unless I wanna end up like that bozo in episode one who can only stretch his own eyeballs. 

Since you were a part of many fandoms when you were alive, you had quite an arsenal of abilities you could bestow upon yourself, however after going through the most famous superheroes of your time, you instantly knew who you wanted to be. It would be difficult to have a really strong ability that might take forever to get control over, but I don't want to be weak or a non-combatant either. Besides, Spiderman has always been pretty cool, I know what I'm putting down for wish number one. 

"Ahem." You cleared your throat, "First off, I want my quirk to be to have the super abilities of Miles Morales as Spiderman, including, but not limited to Camouflage Invisibility, Spider Sense, Venom Shock, and Super strength." Lloyd wrote something down on a notepad and nodded. "That can be arranged." "Also, for convenience, would it be possible to add the ability to produce webs from my body so I don't have to make the web shooters to produce them?" Lloyd shrugged, responding ,"I don't see why not." You fist pumped, Nice! "For my second wish, I just want to have a flexible body, because I'd be a spider and it would make things easier." 

"Third, I'd like to keep the same appearance as my past life if possible. It doesn't have to be the exact same, I'm just used to it and it would nice if I could keep it, and fourth, I want to be in the same class as Izuku Midoriya every year." Lloyd continued writing down notes, asking, "And for your final wish?" 

You closed your eyes and thought deeply. Honestly, as far as you remembered you'd gotten all the big things down, so it was hard to think of any other things you would want besides small things you could probably get on your own in the world. Then you realized it. Holy shit! Your eyes flew open and you grinned again, quickly asking, "Can I not be allergic to cats and dogs?" In your past life, despite being an animal lover, you would get terrible allergies if you were even in the close vicinity of one, let alone petting one. Once again Lloyd shrugged. "If that is really what you wish to choose." 

YES! You cheered in your head. Shinso, Mr. Aizawa, I'm coming for ya'll. Lloyd put the notepad in a drawer. "Is that all you want out of your wishes, or do you want to change anything before they become set in stone?"

"Nope!" you cheerfully stated. Lloyd nodded. "Then that will be all." He clapped twice. You sat there for ten seconds, before wondering, "Was something supposed to-","Just give it a minute." Again, you sat in silence, tapping your finger.

"So, uh, what came first?"



"The chicken or the egg?"

Before you could hear his answer to the question you felt dizzy and seemingly passed out.

While you were in the dark, you opened your eyes and you started feeling like you were falling, then launched upwards and compressed into a space, honestly the weirdest thing you had ever experienced, with colors raging around you as the process repeated over and over. What in the Doctor Strange crack shit is this? After who knows how long of feeling whatever that was, it finally ceased and you felt calm. 

When you opened your eyes, you felt unusual, like you had less control over your limbs, and you definitely felt smaller. So I'm a baby now, interesting. I'm gonna have a whole lot of time to think on my own. The room you were in seemed like a standard room for children.  It seemed like it was night at the moment, and you were in a crib wrapped in a blanket. Most likely, you had spawned in a few months at least after your birth, rather than coming in at the very beginning. That much was convenient at least.

It was gonna be tricky for now, and probably boring too, but you had made it to the world of My Hero Academia, and you had your start.


After you had left, Lloyd tapped the stack of papers on his desk to line them up with each other. That girl sure is lucky that she died in a sacrificial situation, not that even that would save her at that point. Even after that, if she had moved straight on to the progression path and general judgement, she would've been sent straight to hell.

(891 words)

A/N- We're all going to hell, goodbye!

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