2- Options

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So what will you choose?


As you studied the papers laid out in front of you, labelled with 'Continuation', 'Reincarnation', and 'Progression', Lloyd sat in front of you, prepared to explain your choices.

After a moment to think on your own, Lloyd began to inform you. "The continuation path of the three is the road most taken by commonplace people, it is only offered to those who are worthy to still live. If you choose this route, your soul will be sent to join and combine with your parallel mind in a universe as close to your own that we can find, in which the event that had brought about your death had not occurred. One of the only inconveniences that comes from this path is that despite the fact that the lethal event has not happened, it does not mean you are invincible to a similar situation in the future. This path simply allows you to continue your life almost where you left off, it does not to decrease the chances of your expiration from approaching in the same way."

The page he was referencing was filled with words you cared not to read, but had multiple side pictures of you getting hit by cars that had small indicators below or beside them, such as the first one which was marked with a small 'reality E-47 facet 33'. Lloyd continued, flipping through some pages in your file. "Moreover were you in particular to take this path the results would likely be similar to what you have already experienced. As you can see on the paper, in the majority of worlds where you exist, you perish due to getting hit by a truck sooner or later in your life, and even in twenty-seven other realities your short trial of living came to an end the very same day." He finally put down the file and made eye contact with you. "That's not even including the realities with minor changes throughout your life."

You clicked your tongue to try and ease the awkward silent air surrounding your conversation. "So what I'm hearing is, don't try and take this one, because I'll die soon even if I do go back." He picked up a pen and twirled it. "I suppose you could use that as a summary" Lloyd conferred. You smiled uncomfortably, moving on to the next subject. "So what's the deal with the reincarnation one?" and then it hit you. Oh god I'm totally getting isekai'd right now.

"The reincarnation path tends to be taken by those who have distaste for their life, or wish to escape the inevitable death that awaited them in the continuation path. This path does not have a list of setbacks or inconveniences, the only clear disadvantage is that you have to start from scratch, as you are born in another world and cannot bring anything but your memories if you wish to keep them." Duly noted, definitely asking more about that in a minute. You pointed to the last page and Lloyd seemed almost disappointed as he closed his eyes and sighed, opening a drawer and pulling out a packet so thick it looked like it had at least fifty pages in it. 

"The progression path is the most general maintenance out of the three, and least chosen. It is to be used if you wish to skip the chance at life, and go straight to general judgement for heaven or hell. You may not be judged before you make your decision, however I will be the one who arbitrates your final destination, as you still have special circumstances. Additionally, if you wish to ascend or descend immediately, you will have to complete this series of paperwork and surveys." Lloyd, with his eyes still closed, pointedly grabbed the edges of the packet and quickly rolled through the amount of papers to show you how many there were. Paperwork? Hell naw, to the naw naw naw, heeelll naw.

You immediately and unhesitatingly eliminated that option as well. Guess I'm getting reincarnated bois let's go. "If I'm reincarnated, how would that work? Like, do I get to choose or something?" Lloyd stared at you for a moment, before leaning over, clutching his chest and sighing in relief. He put a hand on his head and spoke," Oh thank the lord, I thought I was going to be stuck doing the work for your case for the next eight hours." You sweatdropped. I guess even angels don't like paperwork huh.

Seemingly more relaxed now that paperwork was off the table, he replied easily to your question. "Reincarnation can be done according to a person's main wishes. Depending on their sacrifice, more or less can be requested by a person. It can happen at random, with a vague description of what you would like, or if you have a world in mind, that can work as well."

Your mind screamed, your eyes wide. "My Hero Academia." Lloyd furrowed his brow. "What do you-", "My Hero Academia." You repeated, leaning forward. "I wasn't-", "I want to go, to My Hero Academia." Lloyd glared. "I wasn't even- you know what, nevermind. If that is what you desire."

(885 words)

A/N- I was in the middle of writing when I realized that the word 'grinned' sounds so weird.

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