Skip this chapter if you think dolls are creepy

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I was cleaning out some of my doll stuff the other day, and as I was looking through everything I found a ribbon.

So, naturally I thought of Violet, and then I looked at my dolls and I was like, "Hey, this doll kind of looks like Violet."

So then I took the ribbon and tied the dolls hair up and it did look a little like Violet.

Some background info, I like making my own doll clothes because buying the clothes at the store is kinda pricey and I never have any money lol. Anyways, I was looking at my doll with her hair tied up like Violet and I thought "It would be cute if I made an outfit like Violet's and dressed my doll up."

At first, I wanted to make Violet's outfit from the books, but, to my great disappointment, I found that I didn't have any fabric that was the right shade of purple to make her book outfit.

So then I thought of the show version, and which of Violet's outfits would be easiest to make.

I've always liked Violet's dress from the very first episode, (even though I was confused as to why she would wear it because Violet hates pink), and I had an old hoodie that had a similar-ish design so I cut it up and made a dress.

Now, before you start to judge my clothes making skills, please keep in mind that this dress was sewn by hand without a pattern at 3 in the morning. And, if I'm being honest, it's one of the best things I've ever made. So, please be nice!

Here's my reference:

Here's my reference:

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And here's what I made:

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And here's what I made:

And here's what I made:

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It's not perfect, (none of my projects are), but I think it's pretty cute, all things considered

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It's not perfect, (none of my projects are), but I think it's pretty cute, all things considered.

I must say, I am really proud of the collar on the dress. The stitching is kinda janky, but overall it's not too bad.

What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments!

Okay, that's it for this chapter. Byeeeeee ❤️

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