Overworked for a God's Sake - Reader/Bucky

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For: that_psycho_bitch
Set: after Civil War fix up

AN EXPLANATION! I get a lot of requests for stomach bugs etc. and I don't know if it's just because I'm Australian but we always refer to it as gastro, so in this fic, that's what I'm doing too


Thor getting sick was always an event. The god was huge and apparently, everything in his life had to match; his personality, his appetite, his illnesses.

And Thor had gastro, so that was lovely. Discovering the blond hunched over in a bathroom near the communal living area was scary but (Y/N) soon realised Thor wasn't actually so badly off. She helped him to his room, nearly collapsing under his weight when he first leaned on her and then gave him a bin.

And because (Y/N) had seen the volume of vomit Thor was able to produce, she decided to stay with him in his room.

So the pair sat together on the king-sized bed, Thor under the blankets and (Y/N) a safe distance away on top of them, and watched a movie. Thor only vomited a couple of times and Friday had the good grace to pause the movie whenever it happened so he could focus on nothing but himself and (Y/N)'s encouragement.

When the movie concluded, Thor had gone through five bottles of ginger beer and four tablets that would supposedly help his fever (Bruce wasn't sure though - but something was better than nothing). He fell asleep, with his huge head of silky hair on (Y/N)'s shoulder, just before the end credits started rolling. (Y/N) whisked away the bottles, asked Friday to alert her if he woke or needed her, and trotted off to her own room.

However, Thor vomited multiple times throughout the night, a result of that massive appetite, and (Y/N) was continually summoned to his room. Indeed, Thor vomited violently and she wouldn't have a clear conscience if she wasn't around to help him when he needed her.

In the morning, (Y/N) woke on a couch in Thor's room, instead of her bed, and her stomach felt just the tiniest bit tingly, but that was nothing. Probably just the result of drinking soft drinks so late at night or something. She wasn't particularly hungry either, although who was in the morning? so she went to the kitchen to make tea before going back to Thor's room to check on him.

And (Y/N) was just in time to hear him vomiting into the toilet in the ensuite. Damn. When he saw her, the giant thanked her profusely for caring for him the night before. (Y/N) smiled and offered to hang around for the day just in case. Thor mostly wanted to sleep, which suited (Y/N) just fine as she was more tired from waking up every half-hour than if she hadn't slept at all. She ignored the tinge of nausea, putting it down to the faint smell of vomit.

It was near evening when Steve and Bucky arrived. (Y/N) had convinced herself to have some toast at one point but had eaten nothing else all day as she helped Thor. Apparently, bugs hit gods more intensely than mortals.

(Y/N) was exhausted, but Thor was her charge and she was definitely still able to help him. Unfortunately, Bucky disagreed as he carried her away from Thor's room. The day had passed in a blur but apparently, Friday had alerted Bucky and Steve that Thor was unwell and needed assistance. So now Steve was looking after him and for some reason, Bucky was with (Y/N).

Which brought the woman back to her predicament.

"Let me go, Buck! I said I'm fine, I need to help Thor!" She cried as the super-soldier led her away from the room. He was forcing her to walk, as his super strength allowed him to basically give (Y/N) a one-armed huge from which she couldn't escape as they moved towards her room.

"No, you need to help yourself," Bucky replied, the slightest sound of annoyance in his tone, before suddenly hoisting (Y/N) over his shoulder.

The young woman let out a sound which was in between a groan and a whimper. "Bucky, let me down."

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