Sick at School - Reader/Peter and co.

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Set after: Spider-Man: Homecoming
For: astralmysteria

A number of you have requested something similar to this so... sorry this took so long!! I hope it's what you wanted x


Peter's spidey-sense said something was wrong.

Then again, it often said something was wrong. But this time it felt different. Could that be because (Y/N) had just accidentally walked right into Flash? Yeah, that was probably it.

"Hey! Watch it!" the bully growled as (Y/N) stumbled into him. She'd been pretty quiet since she arrived, actually, and she hadn't been paying attention to anything or anyone.

Then again, he'd only caught her five minutes ago when she turned up at her locker.

"Watch yourself," she growled back. That was also new. (Y/N) was friendly to everyone, or at the very least, she was never rude, but more than that, that tone of voice was new.

Flash raised his eyebrows at the girl who'd dared to defy him but before he could speak, Peter and MJ had both grabbed a shoulder and pulled her away with Ned in tow, slipping through the crowds of students into their homeroom.

"What was that about?" Peter asked the minute they fell into their seats.

"It was awesome!" Ned said, looking a little starstruck.

MJ nodded, but (Y/N) didn't see it. She was slumped over, resting her head on her arm which was on the table. "I'm tired. He should know better. I don't know," she mumbled.

"(Y/N/N), are you sick?" Peter asked, realisation drawing on him. His spidey-sense told him he was right.


"You're lying."


"You should go home."

"I have a maths, English and chem test today. I can't," she replied, turning her head so that rather than facing out the window, she was looking towards her friends and grinning, "Oh, you're all worried, that's too cute."

MJ's eyes flicked down to her book and she turned a page, once again trying to disengage herself from their group.

"You could go home! Get another day to study!" Ned said, already looking too excited at the prospect of missing school.

"Ned, you missed the last 30 minutes of school last week because of your dentist appointment and you were disappointed because it meant you couldn't do your physics assessment, do not tell me you want me to miss school," (Y/N) said, rolling her eyes at the bigger boy.

"That's true," he replied morosely, turning to his computer. Now all I have to do is get Peter off my back.

Luckily enough, he didn't say anything and (Y/N) make it through the roll before he asked, "why didn't you just come late?"

"Because chem is in period one. I can't miss that, it's my best subject! This test is super important!"

"You're already top of the class. Mr Fairfax isn't going to penalise you for missing one test. He adores you."

"Yeah, because I don't skip class. Unlike some people," (Y/N) said, head buried under her arms as she willed herself not to fall asleep for the remainder of homeroom.

Peter shrugged, cheeks burning in response. He knew he'd get her home if it was the last thing he did.


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