When Wanda was Sick - Wanda/Clint/Pietro

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For: Ella12121212 (sorta. Idk? You asked for more Wanda ages ago)
Set: after Age of Ultron

I've literally been writing this since I started this whole book. I just couldn't get a solid grip on Wanda's character but... now there's a show!!

This is definitely not one of my best though, sorry about that.


The issues began when the kitchen utensils started floating. Just a spoon at first.

Then the rest of the spoons, the cutlery, plates, pans, pots, spatulas and the roast beef Steve left to rest.

Unfortunately, no one was in the kitchen.

And then the tablet in Tony's hands floated out of his reach and the trailing red aura told him exactly who was doing it.

"Wanda, give me back that tablet right now!" He growled, jumping in the air as it floated just above him.

"Come on old man, anyone who wasn't midget sized could reach that! Wanda catch!" Pietro laughed, snatching the tablet out of the air and throwing it at Wanda.

"That's not me! I'm not doing that!" She yelled, sounding afraid and very confused. The tablet bounced off the couch next to her and onto the floor, thankfully remaining unsmashed.

And then she sneezed.

And everything in the kitchen fell, many of the plates smashing in the process and Steve's cooking fell right onto the floor.

Wanda swore and Pietro was by her side. "You want to leave? We can go right now," he said, his accent becoming heavier as worry filled his voice.

"Yes. No. I don't know, that's not me but it's my power," she moaned, holding her hands on her head and squeezing her eyes shut.

"Wanda. Wanda, I need you to look at me now," a new voice said. Familiar... Clint.

There was a hand on her shoulder and Wanda looked up at the archer. "All right, that's good. Now, I want you to focus on your powers. Just drop everything ok? I'm not sure what else is being affected right now. Then, I'm going to get you somewhere safe to sleep this off, ok?"

Pietro was buzzing by her shoulder and Wanda wanted to say yes but she still wasn't sure if she trusted the Avengers...

"I'll be there too," Pietro said quietly. Wanda nodded miserably. She'd never been sick since she and her twin had gone to Hydra, so she'd come to assume they could no longer get sick.

However, with the recent stress of moving in with the Avengers, Wanda was constantly alert, even when sleeping and maybe it had finally caught up to her. Pietro picked her up and the world was a blur and then he was letting them into some apartment. Wanda wanted to ask where they were but instead, she miserably nuzzled further into the warmth of her brother, limbs aching and chilled with a cold she didn't remember catching.


Wanda hadn't lost control of her powers since they first got them. It terrified Pietro because his little sister was always so in control and knowledgeable, what would he do without her? And now that he looked, she was actually very pale and it did look like she hadn't been sleeping well. How had he missed this?

A sharp elbow on his ribs brought his attention away from Wanda and he prepared to snarl at its owner. But Clint was holding some keys.

"My apartment. Let yourselves in, put Wanda on the couch. I'll be over as soon as I can," the older man said. Pietro nodded, took the keys and whisked Wanda away to Clint's apartment. They'd only been there once or twice, but Pietro knew it was more of a safe house for Clint and Natasha than a real home.

He gently placed his sister in the couch, feeling as though her bright, red hair looked far too bright against her washed-out skin. Wanda shivered a little and curled in on herself, eyes closed, so Pietro took one of the blankets folded over the couch and threw it over her. Then, deciding it was a rather thin blanket, added a second one.

Wanda seemed semi-content for the moment so Pietro busied himself fetching her a glass of water. He'd grab some Panadol too, but he wasn't sure how it could affect her. Not too long after, Clint arrived.

"Hi, okay, so, I've brought Bruce's special medicine for Wanda, and some for you Pietro in the chance you get sick too. I've also got a ton of tissues, some drinks and things for Wanda and a key to Natasha's secret cupboard so we can save anything made of glass. Sound good?" Clint asked, looking up to Pietro for his approval. He knew the twins were all each other had and he didn't want Pietro to feel like he was out of control over what was happening to his sister.

The bleach-blond boy nodded so Clint set him to work wrapping all the plates and glasses and hiding them behind a door. With any luck, it'd be enough to stop Wanda's powers reaching them again. And even as Clint woke the girl and got some medicine into her, he found the tissues hovering away from him and who knew what else.

"Wanda, focus for me, please? I need you to relax, let your powers drop, ok?" She nodded, eyes bright with fever and wide with fear.

It took a second, Wanda closed her eyes and then everything sunk back down. Pietro was nearby, watching and waiting for Clint to say what he needed done, what Pietro could grab, what he should do.

Wanda was soon back asleep, a small frown creasing her face as soft breaths escaped her. "Pietro, what food does Wanda like? We should try and cheer her up," Clint had suggested and Pietro had decided chicken paprikas would be perfect.

The newest Avenger zipped down to the shops to buy the few ingredients Clint was missing before appearing a minute later. Clint had offered to go, so Pietro wouldn't have to leave his sister, but Pietro decided that Clint was more capable of looking after Wanda than he was.

Plus, Pietro was faster.


It didn't take too long to cook the paprikas and when they were ready, the two men made three plates and elected to eat on the couch with Wanda. Clint also brought down a cup of bright blue Gatorade.

"I can't smell anything," Wanda said, her voice slightly distorted due to her nose being blocked, "but this looks perfect."

She snuggled into Pietro's side and began to eat, her pace slowing as she ate more until eventually she wasn't even picking at the half-empty plate on her lap. Warm and feeling safe as she was, Wanda decided to move the plate to the coffee table in front of her and attempted to do so, while Clint and Pietro continued an irrelevant conversation she didn't have the energy to follow.

The plate moved slightly, and then it was floating and now Pietro noticed. When it was almost halfway, however, Wanda's powers faltered and the plate dropped. Pietro's arm shot forward and he caught the plate, barely saving Clint's carpet.

"Bruce said your powers would probably be weaker than usual because of that medicine. He said it was the only way he could think of to prevent you from using them accidentally. For now, maybe don't use them, I'm not quite sure how it all works," Clint said when Wanda had settled back against Pietro's side.


As it turned out, Clint was rather adept at looking after Wanda. He knew exactly what she'd need minutes before she did and was good at assuaging Pietro's fears and giving him tasks to distract him.

As such, it didn't take long for Wanda's cold to pass and she was soon back in the Avenger's tower with her powers under control. Clint and Natasha's safe house began to feel a lot more like a home though, as the twins began going there regularly with either of the super spies.


As aforementioned, this has been in my drafts for years. It isn't perfect but it's the best I can do right now.

What do you think of the WandaVision show?? My chemistry loves it apparently!

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