The Search - Reader/Natasha

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Set: before Civil War
For: haleysaenz Aury378 and darkandtwistedmind20

This was a very popular request? I mean two of you requested it in the same comment but still.

Anyway! I'm back! I'm here! I never left! I just... idk. But I won't leave without saying something and I don't plan on leaving in the near future :)

Regardless, I check my Wattpad every day so I'm always contactable.


The search for Natasha's sister was not going well. They'd been looking for nearly three weeks now, which actually wasn't that long of a time but Natasha was usually more efficient and things didn't take so long.

(Y/N) was helping her, because why wouldn't she help her beautiful girlfriend find her family, and also because she had nothing else to do. The Avengers had more downtime than anything else. So the two of them stayed in New York City, tracking any potential lead and flying out regularly to see and possible sister in person. They were yet to find anyone who was actually Nat's sister.

Natasha didn't seem overly fussed about finding her sister, but had confessed to (Y/N) that finding this woman was one of the most important tasks of her life. As a result, (Y/N) began pushing harder to find her, staying up later, waking up earlier and training harder. This inevitably led to progress in the search, but the couple were still yet to find Yelena.

Natasha didn't realise how hard her girlfriend had been working until they were sparing one afternoon.

"I don't get it, Nat, how are you so calm?" (Y/N) asked as they circled each other. She had been planning on practicing a new kick but her legs ached and so did her head so she was considering falling back to her default moves.

"Not calm, (Y/N/N), just patient. We'll find her, don't you worry. You'll love her," replied the spy, before suddenly lunging. (Y/N) scrambled backwards, regretting her rushed lunch as the gym lurched around her.

To cover it up, she feinted a punch at Natasha. The redhead leaned backward and dodged it. (Y/N) struggled to pull herself back into position without overshooting and leaning backwards. The room was spinning in such a way that she wasn't quite sure of the finer points of which way was up.

"Feeling alright, (Y/N)?" Natasha asked, watching the blood drain from (Y/N)'s face. The younger woman had been looking a little worse for wear, recently.

"Just fine," she replied through gritted teeth. Natasha nodded to herself. She was probably overthinking it; (Y/N) had the best self preservation instincts of all the Avengers.

"Okay, I'm going to try the new double kick. Watch closely and-" but whatever else she was meant to be doing was lost to (Y/N) as the room darkened. She heard a heavy footfall nearby but couldn't bring herself to care.


(Y/N) slowly rose to consciousness, following a voice which was repeating her name over and over. She opened her eyes slowly, blinking multiple times before the red blob in her vision turned into Natasha. Her eyebrows knit together as she tried to figure out how she had gone from the sparring mats to the floor.


The younger Avenger blinked, and focused her eyes on Natasha who was staring straight at her. "Yeah?" She asked, before quickly sitting up and coughing. When she stopped the room began spinning and she fell back into what she now recognised was Natasha's lap.

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