Sick with Spiderman - Reader/Peter Parker

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Hi! I'm back!! I can't believe how many reads this thing already has, like 100? What???

Anyway! This is inspired by that ad that I can't find where Peter's invited to Tony's party and he has to go and get those biscuits?? I don't know what Super Bowl is though, so if it's more of a big deal than I make it out to be, sorry!

You're 16, Peter is 17


(Y/N) had woken up feeling cold. Her nose was blocked and runny at the same time and she realised the cold that had been threatening to overcome her for the past few days had finally taken over.

Despite protesting limbs, she stood, overcame the rush of dizziness and made her way to the cupboard where she kept random things, such as spare blankets. She tugged one out, had everything fall on her, swore and tugged the blanket out of the mess. It was going to be a bad day.

(Y/N) hid in bed until 10 am when Friday woke her up to tell her Bruce wanted to know what she'd like for breakfast.

"Tell him I already ate," you groaned, throwing one of your numerous pillows at the roof.

"But you haven't," Friday's mechanical voice chided.

"Look Friday, I don't want anyone fussing over me. Tell him I already ate."

The same thing happened at lunch and you groaned and told Friday to tell the Avengers you'd already eaten.

"But you haven't," Friday repeated.

"Well damn do I care? Tell them I'm not hungry or I'll eat later," you muttered, not taking your eyes off the TV screen Tony had installed for you. It wasn't long before your eyes got sore and you switched to reading and about half an hour after that, Natasha was knocking on your door.

"Hey, (Y/N), I brought food!" she yelled through the door, "Friday told me you haven't eaten all day and if you don't let me in I'll tell mother Steve!"

Shuddering at the threat, you told Friday to open the door and found Nat standing there with a bowl, which likely contained soup. Due to your blocked nose, you couldn't smell it, but having experienced Natasha's cooking before, you weren't willing to risk it. The one time she'd cooked something half decent, she'd added poison as an experiment and ended up paralysing Clint for a week.

"Please don't make me eat that."

"I cooked it myself!"


Natasha feigned a hurt look, "It came from a tin."

"You could've added poison."

"Nonsense! You already look like you've taken poison," she laughed, closing the door and sitting on your mini couch next to you. Admittedly, you did look awful, with pale skin, flushed cheeks, a bright red nose and hair dampened by sweat. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of tissues surrounding you.

She shoved the bowl of surprisingly good looking soup into your hands and produced, out of a bag at her side, a new box of tissues.

"Oh my gosh, Nat, you're a lifesaver! I'm almost out and I've been through like three boxes today," you gushed, taking the spoon she also produced and poking the soup suspiciously.

"Ewww that's so gross, (Y/N)!" she laughed, recoiling in mock disgust.

"Coming from the woman whose job is to separate men from their limbs," you muttered just loud enough for her to hear.

She laughed and grabbed the remote from next to you, "What shall we watch?"

"Harry Potter!" You screamed without a moments thought. Had you already watched the first four today? Yes. Would you watch them again? Undoubtedly.

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