Just a Little Headache - Reader/Bucky

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For: loevyou3000 TayahKoumarelas

Set: after Civil War (but Team Cap has moved back into Stark Tower)

Also, you know who I'm talking to here, I am once again so sorry that this fic (and the rest of my fics) are all geared towards a female reader. I'm hoping to include some non-binary pronouns in future fics (and maybe male ones if there's demand for that?).

Anyway, hope you enjoy x


(Y/N) always recognised the signs of a migraine. That wasn't to say she always did something about it, but she always knew when they were coming.

As one of the higher-ups in Stark Industries, (Y/N) lived a stressful life and often worked through headaches, simply because there wasn't enough time to deal with them. There were too many exciting opportunities and interesting things to research.

So it came as no surprise to (Y/N) when she found herself midway through one of Tony Stark's parties and battling through a migraine. She could easily have skipped the party, but she convinced herself it won't be as bad this time, I just won't drink and it'll be fine. And, of course, it was not fine.

But (Y/N) didn't know the Avengers especially well but she definitely wanted to become closer, especially to Bucky, so she refused to pass up the opportunity.


Something very sharp hit the softest area of Bucky's abdomen, right below his ribs.

He startled and turned angrily to find Wanda with her elbow bent and a mild smirk on her lips.

"What," he growled, maybe a little more unfriendly than necessary. At a Stark party, he was on edge as he usually went out of his way to avoid Tony after all the bad feelings between them. As such, Tony often relegated Bucky's repairs (and a few others from Team Cap) to one of his staff members and Bucky had just caught sight of the pretty one with (H/C) hair.

"It's (Y/N), have you seen her?" Wanda asked pointing back over to the same woman Bucky had caught sight of mere moments ago.

"Yes, right now," but even as he said it, confusion was seeping into Bucky's voice. (Y/N) was slightly hunched and not talking to anyone, merely looking out the window. In the reflection, Bucky could see her eyebrows were close together and she was frowning, her knuckles almost white with how tight she was holding her glass of water.

"She looks... off. Doesn't she?" Wanda asked as Bucky started analysing the woman.

"Yeah. Yes, she does," and he almost made a move towards her when (Y/N) turned on her heel and began walking purposefully through the party. She gave strained smiles to those who said 'hi' but waved off any invitations to join a group to chat. She left her glass on a bench-top without even looking to make sure it didn't fall and kept up the long strides out of the main rooms and towards the exit.

Bucky was confused but Steve roped him and Wanda into a conversation and (Y/N) left the forefront of his mind.

Until only ten minutes later when Wanda elbowed him again, less painfully this time and said, "you should go find her." Bucky merely nodded goodbye to Steve and left to find the scientist.


She was not upstairs. Bucky was trying to convince himself she must've remembered a dangerous experiment when Friday asked him to visit level 74. One of the SI levels, Bucky recognised. Surely (Y/N) was there, but it didn't explain why Friday wanted him there too.

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