Fever in Germany - Reader/Avengers

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Powers: can create fire in the palm of your hand, manipulate air (like use it to push things away or pull them closer) and manipulate water.

Basically elemental powers

(F/B) ~ favourite breakfast
(S/N) ~ sibling name
(E/C) ~ eye colour


(Y/N)'s week had only gone from bad to worse.

First, there'd been the Hydra mission that had gone wrong. They were still looking for Loki's sceptre but they'd been given yet another false location and on the way out, the Quinjet had been blown up leaving the seven Avengers stranded in snow-filled Germany. The majority of the Avengers, miraculously, were uninjured as they had quickly realised they were walking into a trap. (Y/N) had been last to escape, as she had been tasked with getting into the base first.

She'd been chased and forced to run across a lake using her water manipulation skills (leaving the Hydra agents baffled), but midway, her powers had faltered due to a lack of practising anything to do with water, and she'd been forced to swim to the edge of the half-frozen lake.

Tony had immediately had his suit remove itself and fly over to her where he activated the heater in an attempt to warm and dry her, but by then, the damage was done.

The Avengers had trudged through the snow, pulling an unconscious Bruce with them, after he'd changed back from the Hulk and had promptly been knocked out. By the time they found a small cabin at the edge of a tiny town, (Y/N) was almost blue with cold.

The cabin itself was sparse and only had two bedrooms. They decided to place Bruce and Clint in one, as Bruce was still unconscious and Clint had a nasty gash down his side and Natasha and (Y/N) took the other, leaving Tony, Thor and Steve in the main room.

They should have picked up the warning signs when it took (Y/N) almost ten minutes to gather a big enough flame in her hand to start an actual fire, as a pose to the usual thirty seconds.

Bruce woke up about 45 minutes later and it was decided that he and (Y/N), being the least recognisable Avengers, would go into town to pick up food so they could eat. The two made their way through the snow which was now falling fast and (Y/N) tried to manipulate the snow to go around her, being water, but her powers were still struggling and half the snow still ended up on the pair.

The town had a tiny, but quaint store where Bruce and (Y/N) bought everything on Steve - their unofficial chef's - list: vegetables, meat, bread, a whole lot of hot chocolate (Tony would only let them take his emergency cash if they bought at least several weeks worth) and multiple other necessities.

As they walked home, Bruce quickly noticed the teen beside him was labouring for breath as she tried to manipulate the snow around them.

"(Y/N), don't worry about keeping the snow off, I'll be fine," he said quietly to the girl. She gave a short nod, her usual, chatty, self gone as she panted for breath, still trying to keep the snow off.

By the time they reached the cabin, (Y/N) was pale and drenched in sweat.



The youngest Avenger looked up at Tony, glaring at him for using that god-awful nickname, before using her last strength to put the groceries up on the table. "I'm going to take a shower," she told Natasha before making her way to the tiny bathroom that adjoined the two bedrooms.

Thankfully, there were locks on both doors and the water in the shower was warm so (Y/N), now shaking with the cold, slipped into the shower, being quick so as not to run out of hot water for the others. As she stepped out, she began shivering again, until she pulled on the hoodie and leggings Natasha had somehow managed to bring with her from the Quinjet.

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