Loki's First (and Last) Mission - Loki/Clint

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Set before Age of Ultron
For LPSGirl109

Loved your gorgeous request!! Sorry it took so long, other requests are coming!

Creds to Rorokona for the above art. I based Loki's outfit off it so I figured I should probably find the comic it came from! Yes I tried to put all the photos together and yes it obviously didn't work. I tried.

Also, time for a rant. Wattpads ads have gone too far, cause I'm here trying to edit my book in view as reader and I got a fucking ad. IN MY OWN BOOK! NO! I get that you want money but a trillion ads is not the way to do it! And $10 a month for no ads is a ridiculous price!! Ok thanks for listening 🥰


Spending his time among the pathetic humans was... difficult. While Loki hadn't originally wanted to kill them (mind control and all that, not that anyone believed him) he certainly wanted to after spending all of ten minutes around Stark. Loki had spent time with all the Avengers while they 'babysat' him under both Odin and Nicholas Fury's orders.

It was infuriating, embarrassing and ridiculous, that a powerful demigod such as himself had to be watched by the pathetic mortals, even ones who had somewhat impressive resumes. Having spent hours and even days alone with any one Avenger, Loki had come to the conclusion that Barton was the most tolerable.

Ironic, seeing as he was the one that hated Loki the most. Barton was the most inclined to believe that Loki had been under mind control during the whole New York event but what that really meant was that he'd never disagreed with Loki when he claimed to have not been in control, nor had he agreed.

This... acquaintance had been recognised by the Avengers and when a mission to a Hydra base required all of them and they were forced to take Loki with them, they decided to partner him with Clint. Clint was unhappy but Loki was the most obedient when Clint made the orders and there was nothing he could do, plus they were both more into long-distance than close combat.

Thor would have been an ideal choice (he actually liked Loki) but his part in the plan involved a lot of flying around and Loki was disinclined to hang onto his back while the blond was pulled around by his hammer.

Soon enough, Loki was following Clint over an obscured path along the bottom of a mountain as the pair moved to take out one Hydra's outposts. There was significant bickering and teasing among the humans as they made their way over the mountains but no one spoke to Loki, save Clint's short commands.

"It would be easier if-" Loki began, using that drawling tone he always favoured, allowing only the slightest hint of his annoyance to enter it.


"I'm just saying-"

"I said; shut up!"

Loki held his hands palm up in a placating gestured and grinned at the archer.

"I'm not taking Loki next time you guys," he said into the comms. There was another round of laughter and more good natured banter. Loki remained quiet.

"Hey! Hey there's more of them over here-" an unfamiliar voice called out, shot and dead before he could finish his sentence.

"Well, Loki, I guess it's time you and me did something useful," Clint said, his quiver one less arrow full. Loki nodded but seemingly did nothing.

A minute later, "hey! We've got that guy with the black hair! Not an Avenger but his name is stupid..." came another voice. Clint raised an eyebrow at Loki.

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