Super Soldiers Can't Get Sick - Reader/Bucky Barnes

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Set after: Civil War is all fixed up.
For beatlegirl9 (sorry gorgeous, I misspelt your name in the first publishing 🙃)
Sorry it took so long, but I hope you like it!


In all his years out of the ice, Steve had never once gotten sick. In all his time out of hibernation, neither had Bucky. So it stood to reason that both soldiers immune systems were pretty damn good.

Which made (Y/N) all the more worried when Bucky Barnes failed to arrive for their usual morning run. Ordinarily, she'd think nothing of it. As an Avenger and slightly unstable war veteran, Bucky occasionally missed runs because of missions or a bout of PTSD, but whenever either event occurred, Steve would stay close to Bucky and neither man would turn up.

Plus one of them would usually text (Y/N). The younger woman had become friends with the two soldiers after her own running partner, Sam Wilson, introduced them one morning. They'd all become quite close, despite the undeniable bond the three men shared over their numerous adventures that occasionally left (Y/N) feeling left out.

However, she'd developed quite the crush on Bucky making her want to become even closer to him than Steve or even Sam.

Surprisingly kind, quiet but alert and extremely smart (not to mention good looking!), Bucky was just her type and Sam loved to remind (Y/N) about it. He enjoyed seeing her bluster and blush whenever he brought up the handsome man and when Bucky ran past, he always inevitable nudged the woman.

And if Sam knew, Steve knew and Steve wasn't nearly as good at secrecy as Sam. He made comments and winked at (Y/N) whenever the subject of his best friend came up, often making her want to curl up with embarrassment.

(Y/N) failed to realise this was Steve's way of giving her the go-ahead, of course. Her other romantic endeavours had, more often than not, failed due to her obliviousness.

But back to the matter at hand, Steve and Sam had both turned up to their morning run but there was no sign of Bucky. Steve had said something about Bucky saying he didn't feel well but had thought nothing of it. (Y/N) wasn't so sure.

Steve couldn't get sick. He'd told (Y/N) himself and he'd shown her his records (what wasn't blacked out anyway). The government literally thought his blood had the cure for the common cold. But Bucky... she'd always just assumed he was the same as Steve.

Apparently, Captain America had been under the same impression. (Y/N) brought it up to Steve and he was going to head back to his and Bucky's shared apartment to see what had happened to his friend (as no one really knew what had happened to Bucky, they were running purely on assumptions after all) when Happy pulled up and he and Sam were whisked away to wherever they were going now.

As the men got into the car, (Y/N) joked she'd know exactly what they were up to in a couple of hours when the news blew up with the event. Happy chuckled but Sam gave her a black look and colour rushed to Steve's cheeks. The Avengers failed attempts at secrecy was the one ways (Y/N) could get back at her running partners for their innumerable comments on her crush on the White Wolf.


The apartment was warm and relatively dark as (Y/N) entered, especially when compared to the brisk cold of New York's autumn. Furnished with plush leather couches and books from the forties and earlier, the apartment was homey but luxurious, just the way Tony Stark liked it. It had been a gift to Steve and Bucky after the events of the so-called 'Civil War'. Tony had bought Bucky's old apartment and refurbished it to make it liveable for the two friends as an act of forgiveness, because he knew neither man could afford a place in Brooklyn, let alone either of their old homes. He would have bought Steve's apartment as well, but its' new owners had turned the ground level apartment into a scarf shop and wouldn't give it up.

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