Part 5-Fallen for You and Possible Danger

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Don John placed his hand on Synna face and caressed it.

"I love you too Synna."

They both stopped dancing and gazed deeply into each other's eyes. Synna couldn't stop her feelings, it was pointless to try. They both closed their eyes and began to kiss, passionately and deeply.

 There is a murmur of surprise in the room, but to Don John and Synna their wasn't. 

All the members had quickly left and went straight into the library where the three others were. 

"What has happened?" The Mench High Elder asked.

"We believe that the prophecy is coming true, as of tonight!" Another Mench High Elder  announced.

The two male member who had spoken to the other High Elder both cheered.

The Mench High Elders all gathered together and made room for everyone to kneel. While the other High Power members stood facing the entrance of the library and made sure the door was locked. 

"Approach and kneel." One of the High Elders instructed. 

Each of the High Power members did as so and awaited word from the High Elders. One of the High Elders raised their hands and gave a declaration.

"On this night, we declare that the prophecy of the ancient book has come to fruition." 

The other members all began to chant.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!"

Don John and Synna had been kissing for what seemed like an entity, not that it mattered to them. Once they had stopped kissing they notice they were alone.

"Where is everyone?" Asked Synna.

"Good question." Wondered Don John.

He realized it was getting late and Synna had to head back to the castle.

"Come princess."

He took her hand and he quickly went off for the transport. Synna stood outside the coven awaiting for his return. When he came back she was surprised to see that Don John was riding a horse.

"You aren't summoning a carriage this time?"

"No, I thought I would ride you back."

She smiled and quickly took hold of his hand as he helped her up. The horse galumphed briskly into the night until it raised the castle. 

"The horse is very calm and trusting? Where did you got it?" She asked once she climbed down.

Don John caressed the horse's mane and it playfully shook his hand away while they both laughed. 

"It was a gift from my friend William. I call the horse Eagle because it is spark and keen like one."  

She gently petted the horse while it blinked it's eyes at her.

"I hope I get to meet him one day."

At that moment Don John became happy, unlike how he previously felt when she first asked about William.

"Likewise, my princess."

He climbed off Eagle and gave Synna a kiss which was more passionate and deep then their first. They broke the kiss and giggled.

"Thank you for bringing me back home." She said quietly.

"It was a pleasure."

Synna started to walk towards the palace gate and was greeted by the guards. She turned around and saw Don John waving at her and waved back just as he started to ride off home.

The entire Mench High Power and High Elders had been chanting and reciting their same phase all that time Don John and Synna had been kissing and left. When it was nearing midnight everyone in the library had finally came out. When they realized that Don John and Synna were gone they were all shocked.

"They left!" One exclaimed.

"Where do these two live exactly?" One asked.

One of the High Elders was carrying the ancient book of the prophecy. While the others had gone into a closet and retrieved wicker baskets. 

"That isn't important, we must prepare for the ceremony which will happen on the Full Moon."

Everyone kneel again and started to bow their heads and hands repeated.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!"

That night Synna had a very strange dream, which also seemed frightening.

"I beg you please leave us be." 

A femme reached for the veil, which is wrapped around her head, face and neck and unwinds it with a wonderful circular movement. It sinks to the floor, leaving her semi-nude, her dark hair falling in great profusion over her body. 

There is a low gasp from an assemblage of sorts. 

Someone came before her and placed a blindfold over her eyes. 

"You know what you're taking upon yourself?" A voice said, aggravated.

The femme began to feel tears form in her eyes.

Suddenly a homme seemed to have stepped in front of her; as if to confront whoever had blindfolded her. 

"How can you do this? Can't you see this is wrong?"

The homme shook his head in disgust. 

"Please, let us go! Or at least spare one of us!" The lady screamed.

As she says this, she tears off her blindfold, allowing the homme a momentary glimpse of her face. Footsteps rush over her and the homme and they begin to take them away separately. In that moment Don John face is revealed and he screams.


Synna awoke panting after this strange dream she had. One thing was positive about her dream though, Don John and her were in love and it was mutual.

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