Part 8-Reminiscing and Insanity

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Night of the Full Moon...

While the two hommes were preparing for their plan William thought back to when he ran into one of the High Power members days after he left the coven.


"Hi William!"

He turned around and gave a charlatan smile.


They both continued on walking after their greeting.

"What have you been doing since the last time I saw you?" The member asked him.

William was hesitant to say.

"Is something wrong, William you can tell me."  

"I no longer am a part of the coven and rather not speak more of it." He confessed.

They continued walking until William turned a different direction.

"William, where are you going?" 

He ignored them and continued walking.


Not once had William every thought to check on Don John. He assumed he wouldn't really care for the coven. 

His thoughts then went to the day Don John joined. William had only been a member for twelves days then. 


"William, do you know of any gatherings that happen around here?" Don John asked out of boredom.

They had been friends for a long time and did almost everything together.

"We could go to this place I joined recently." 

Don John was delighted to hear this news.

"Who do you normally do?" He asked.

"A lot of evening events, almost every night."

"What kind of functions?"

William became uneasy.

"Well, to be completely honest, it's not easy to describe." 

 Don John started to climb up Eagle and began to ride.

"It's not easy to describe?"

"They have rowdy drinking parties some nights. While others they have Shakespeare recitals. Then other events besides those."

They walk pass an old watermill and notice the front window is reflecting the Sun brightly.

"They have a beautiful garden there too."

Don John was liking what he was told.

"Sounds interesting, but are the people there pleasant?"

William was quiet for a moment then replied.

"I like to think so."


William thoughts were interrupted by Don John's hand on his shoulder. 

"Are you ready to go back with me?" He asked confidently.

He nodded his head smiled at him.

"Yes, let's go."

They went to the coven just an hour and a half before evening. William remembered the secret code used to enter. 

"Remember to let Synna know that it's ruby, sapphire, ruby, emerald." He reminded Don John.

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