Part 3-Same Passion and Purity in Heart

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They left the party and walk to the back of the house where there was a beautiful garden. The garden was filled with rose bushes and had a small water fountain with a stone bench.

He offered her a rose from a rosebush while they continued walking.

"You are as beautiful as a rose." He complimented.

"Thank you, you're too kind."

Don John smiled and looked affectionately at Synna reaction to the rose. She was content and enjoying its aroma. 

They sat on the stone bench and looked out at the night sky.

"It's very beautiful here at night, I wish that the others would have meetings held in the garden. It is big enough as you can see."

He noticed that Synna mind was focused on something else.

"Synna, we can discussed whatever it is that's bothering you. We're alone now."

She gazed at the rose and tapped at its petals.

"I don't like that they're serving alcohol at this party."

He started to understand why she refused the tray of red wine.

"You don't like to drink alcohol?" He asked

"No, I was taught that it is addictive."

He realized that her parents wanted her to follow the Bible's teachings  close to heart.

"I promise that if anyone ever threw a drinking party I will see to it that you are not given any." He said assertively. 

"They have such parties here?" She asked surprised.

"Yes, but it can get rowdy." He said dejected. 

She placed her hand on his and he felt a sudden sensation from her touch.

"Thank you for being honest with me." She said softly.

He refrained himself from whatever this feeling he started to have. A feeling which was like silk over skin or an apple pie sprinkled with cinnamon.  

"I am like a rose, very delicate but dangerous."

"Why do you say that?" He asked once he sustain that unusual feeling he had momentarily ago.

"Because I can express my indignation when something isn't just."

Don John smiled at the dignity and authenticity the princess showed. 

"We do need someone like you here..." He said trailing off.

"You think so Don John?" 

He took her hands and held them tightly.

"Absolutely, our coven hasn't ever had member open minded other then myself.  Let alone one who is secretly royal." He whispered into her ear.

When he'd done that she felt a chill go down her spine and made her gasp.

"Are you okay Synna?" He asked concerned.

"Yes, I just felt something unusual come upon me." 

He let his hand rub the small of her back.

"Maybe I can smooth it for you, I have experience in massaging."

"Very well then." She said smiling.

She laid down on the stone bench and turned on her stomach. Don John got up and began to caress her back gently. While he did this they both began to feel a strong desire build between them. One that was sudden and ablaze as the Sun emerging from a rainfall in Summer.

"Is something wrong?" 

They turned around and saw one of the High Elders of the Mench had arrived at the garden. The High Elders were the founders of the coven and were suppose to have prophetic visions.

Don John quickly stopped massaging Synna once she arose.

"Yes my ledge, there's nothing to be worried about." He said nervously.

"Very well." 

The High Elder turned around and went back into the house.

Synna and Don John started to giggle.

"Imagine if that was my parents." She said smirking.

"Yes, they wouldn't be leaving so shortly." He chuckled.

They started walking back to the house. Don John gave Synna another rose from the same rosebush as before.

"Here you are princess." He whispered.

"Thank you Don John." She said quietly.

Once they were back inside the house many eyes were on them. Synna hadn't paid it much attention nor did Don John.

"The two of them have grown fond of each other very rapidly." Said one member.

"Yes and look, he has given her a rose from the garden." Pointed out another member.

Something had occurred to one of the members who looked on.

"Do you think it's possible that the prophecy may be coming to pass?" One of the members asked.

"As we speaking?" Another one said astonished. 

They watched as Synna and Don John went and began to dance with each other on the center of the crowd. They both danced very blissfully, unlikely their fellow brethren. Not only had their dancing caught the attention of the fellow members but they immediately back away. It was as if they didn't existed and only Don John and Synna were the only ones dancing.

"YES! The prophecy must be coming true." One member exclaimed while watching them dance.

"I still think we should wait and see." A skeptical member replied.

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