Part 4-Scared of the Truth and Possibility

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Many days and nights had pass and one thing was certain. Don John and Synna had been smitten by each other. Everyone in the Mench High Power liked them but no one had ever shown romantic interest in either. Whenever the members discussed a proposal for a evening event or read a poem, Don John and Synna would sometimes make little jokes in whisper. Once, while a poetry recital of Shakespeare. 

"More like no longer live with a family of fools." Don John quipped.

Synna covered her mouth as she giggled.

"Or, a Uncapablett." She added.

Don John bit his tongue but that didn't stopped him from smiling.

Yes, they both enjoyed each other's company and it wasn't just mere friendship they shared. Unbeknownst to them, some if the Mench High Power had notice this and were keeping close watch throughout. 

"She is fond of Don John, isn't she?" One member had commented to another while in the garden.

"Yes, and he of her might I add." The other had observed.

"Since the founding of our coven, no members have been in companionship." The member had declared.

The other was astounded by the accuracy.

"That is true, they are the first!"

Then they whispered something in each other's ear and both were surprised by the other's response.

Synna hadn't told her parents about her membership in a coven. She did mention Don John but only said he was a friend. 

Don John however was starting to imagine what having a companion in his home would be like. He was ready to start that period in his life and felt that this was the time. 

Don John knew that he'd found the love of his life. She was everything he wanted in a companion. The Mench High Power wouldn't object to him having her. Especially since she always attended their events and was kind to everyone. He remembered their was to be a dance thrown tomorrow evening and it was the perfect opportunity. He smiled thinking of the perfect night they would have.   

Synna realized that for the very first time in her life, she had found the man of her dreams. However, this feeling had frighten her. He was a member of the coven and she felt as if them having a romantic union was forbidden. For no one else of the coven was in companionship with another. The dance the coven was throwing would be wonderful, yet bittersweet for her. She felt it was better after tomorrow evening she leave the coven.

The night of the dance...

Tonight was to be a night full of dancing and more of it. Everyone had arrived and the music started to play.  

Don John awaited for Synna to appear and sure enough she did. He walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the hand. 

"You arrived just in time." He said happily.

She sighed and turned her face away.

"I wish tonight could be more happier for me." She said disappointingly.

"What is wrong?"

They walked into the coven's house, as usual Synna never needed to do the secret code because Don John always let her in freely.

"Do you feel sometimes that you are better off without something."

He gave her a questionable look.

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