Part 7-Precious Friendship and Warning

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The next day Don John had ventured off to the palace. He felt it was best to see Synna, especially after what he witnessed last night. Riding along with Eagle he spotted someone in the distance and command Eagle to stop. Once the horse had complied, Don John descended. It was his friend William.

"William? Is that you?" He asked unsure.

He gave Don John a wearily smile.

"Yes, it is."

 The two hommes went over and hugged. They hadn't seen each other in what seemed like ages.

"William, I couldn't be more thankful to God for encountering you." He said cheerfully.

By his choice of words, he could see something was bothering his friend.

"What is the matter?" He asked.

Don John knew what he was going to say would either be understood or not.

"I think that the coven Mench High Power are a punch of mad folks!" He said, disgustedly 

William nodded his head.

"For that reason is why I departed." William finally confessed to his friend.

Don John thought back to when he was shown the provocative illustrations.

"They told you about the so-called prophecy didn't they?" He asked wondering.

William had his own opinion on that.

"Actually, I had learned about it on my own."

Don John was startled by this revelation.

"How so?" He asked, eager to know more.

"I went into their library one night when everyone was having a drinking party. I found the ancient book of the prophecy. After seeing what was there, I knew I couldn't stay with them. I left thereafter." 

One thing that Don John always liked about William was his sincerity and strong will. 

William started to wonder why his friend was on the path leading to the castle.

"Where are you heading with Eagle?" He asked while petting the horse which once was his.

"I'm going to see my princess."

William immediately knew what he was talking about. He knew of Princess Synna but had never met her. In addition, hadn't any idea that she'd fallen for his friend.

"She is a member of the coven too, isn't she?" He asked curiously but also concerned.

"She wanted to know more about them. They don't know that she is a princess, which proves how isolated they are with the outside World."

William started to pull on Eagle's riding handles and started threading to the palace's direction.

"You must go to her and let her know."

He started to ball his fists, imagining what shameful thing could happen to Synna.

"That is why I was riding Eagle, I had to inform her about this grave discovery as soon as possible."

William grew concerned for the princess by each passing second.

"You lied to them about who she was didn't you?" He asked his friend boldly.

"I had no choice." He said flatly.

William knew that Don John hadn't been with many femmes, nor found the true love he desired. 

"You fell in love with her from there on..." Suddenly a memory interrupted what he was saying. He immediately looked directly at Don John and was speechless.

As if he was a psychic himself, he answered what was boggling William's mind.

"If you just realized what I was coming to warn Synna, you are correct."

The two homme hurried to the castle and were faced with the palace guards.

"May I help you gentlemen with anything?" One of the guards asked.

"Yes, we need to see her majesty Princess Synna." Don John said eagerly.

"She has gone to the market with her parents to celebrate the eve of the Full Moon. They won't be back until late in the evening." The second guard informed them.

Don John and William looked at each other with worry. William started to leave the palace despite his and Don John's hesitation and urgency.

"What can we do?" William thought aloud.

Don John suddenly had an idea in mind.

"I just thought of something!"

He whispered his idea into William's ear and he agreed with every word.

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