Part 1-A Princess Turned Member

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The Princess Synna was beautiful, very caring and smart. Her parents were a good and loving King and Queen who always told their daughter to follow her dreams no matter what. They taught her never to be prideful, rude, nor to act pushy with the servants nor to the subjects of the kingdom and beyond. Synna was a fair skinned girl with long dark medium brown hair and was slim. She never thought about how attractive plus young looking she looked but she knew it was through living a healthy lifestyle and prayer. She had friends but only a few were REALLY, TRULY worthy to be called friends. She wasn't used to making new friends right away, she preferred wanting to get to know the person better. 

One day Synna was walking in the woods nearing evening. 

'"Oh, it's getting late. I better head back.'' She said thinking out loud.

As she turned she accidentally bumped into someone.

 ''Oh. I'm so sorry.'' 

''It's alright.'' 

She looked up into the face of the individual to see it was a homme about her height with bright eyes and black hair combed back and slightly stubbed. He quickly realize that she was the princess and bowed. 

''Pardon me for not greeting you.'' 

''Good sir, it is I who should pardon.'' 

"You're very humble for a royal."

She smiled at the kind homme and curtsied. 

"Well, I must be off."

"May I escort you back?"

She smiled and offered her arm. 

While walking she noticed that this homme had been carrying with him what appeared to be a cloak.

"Its not too cold for a cloak today." She commented while they walked.

"I'm going to a meeting after I bring you back home." He said flatly.

"A meeting where you need a cloak with you?" She asked, finding that strange.

He began to turn around.

"It's better that you don't ask anymore questions, you wouldn't understand." 

 Synna looked at him all puzzled.

"Maybe if you take me there I would understand the place better."

He could see that she was open minded. It wouldn't be a problem to bring her in that case. He lead her to the path which led to his meeting place.

Despite only meeting him a short time ago she found him quite interesting. With his dark hair and unique eye colour, a homme like that didn't come far where she lived. Not to mention one who had striking and almost ethic appearance.  While they were heading to their destination Synna realized she didn't know this homme's name.

"What is your name, sir?"

"It is Don John."

"Really? That is the English version of the novel lover's name."

Don John bit his lip to withhold his laughter.

"Yes, it isn't my actually name though."

"Really? What is it then?" She asked.

He was about to speak when he realized they had arrived at their destination. 

"We're here."

Don John had given the secret password by the code that was on the side of the door. The door automatically opened and whoever was presently nearby went over to greet. Don John threw his cloak on and began to lower his head. Synna quickly did the same, despite not knowing the cause for it. A group of three people came from the house of what appeared to have been three stories. With orbs that appears to glow an oceanic blue colour which matched the tiling of the house. This place had both an eerie and Gothic vibe.  

They saw Don John than noticed Synna and began to whisper to each other

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They saw Don John than noticed Synna and began to whisper to each other. They told both of them to rise and to come inside the house.

"Please introduce us to your friend Don John." One of the three people asked.

Synna kept her head down throughout her bewilderment of her not being recognized. 

"She is a traveler from another side of the county, her name is Synna." He explained, though it wasn't completely true.

The members began to whispers and one of them asked Synna to approach. She obeyed while keeping her head low.

"We of the Mench High Power wish you welcome."

Another one asked Don John to arise and approach, of which he obliged. They whispered  into his ear and he nodded his head. 

They than gave Synna a cloak just like Don John except it was red.

She slipped it on while Don John smiled. He then led her into a room that had polyester mats and a small table with chair.

"Am I a guest at this place?" She asked uncertain.

"You're more than a guest." He said smiling.

She didn't know where this conversation was going.

"You're a new member, and possible more than that." Don John informed.

He sat on one of the mats with her.

"They have never had someone who isn't of the valley come here before. Not one as..."

He gazed into her ebony brown eyes than regain his concentration. 

"As open minded like yourself, and me."

Synna wasn't sure what this could mean, but she was ready for anything.

"Why don't you tell me how you joined?" She asked politely.

Don John was about to explain when Synna suddenly arose and headed for the door.

"Why are you leaving?" He asked.

"I must return home to the palace!"

Don John hadn't realized how inconsiderate he was in not seeing that she had been out too late. The last thing he needed was to be deemed selfish and careless. He quickly led her back outside and summoned a carriage by waving his lantern. Within a matter of moments a carriage leading to the road of the castle had noticed his lantern flashing and arrived.

"I look forward to hearing of your story one day." Synna said while entering the carriage.

"I apologize for having kept you so far away from the palace." He apologized.

The driver started to prepare to leave.

"It's no worries, until next time Don John."


They waves goodbye as the carriage rode off into the night. 

Meanwhile, two of the High Power members had been discussing the arrival and departure of Synna very intently. 

"This girl, there is something different about her." One of them remarked. 

"I couldn't agree more." the other said.

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