Keep on Dreamin

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Keyanni POV

Salty tears ran down my face and mixed with the water from my shower head. I sat in the shower Drowning in sorrow. My heart felt like dynamites were set off in my chest, and all that was left is a shallow hole in the place that once held a big heart. I clutched my chest trying to wrap my mind around everything that just happen.

The two men I once loved double-crossed me and played me like a fool. They took my kids my heart and my dignity. The tears began to fall faster and harder. 

I rose from the water. I wrapped my body in a towel. Staring in the mirror I began to hate what I saw. 

"Just End it all" A voice flashed in my head" No one will even notice " the voice continued. opened the medicine cabinet to take my Auditory Hallucination pills, and when an 8 ball of coke. I landed next to my foot

"great some fun spread a line let's go" the voice continued." 

"I tried to better myself and look where that left me I refused to let you take me back there not you or no one else." I thought out loud as I opened the bottle of clozapine (Clozaril®). I swallowed the pill  an stared in the mirror as the screaming voice began to fade. "Y'all wanna play with me... well Bitch I'm the grand puppet master" I said to my self. I locked my eyes on a blade and a needle, I grabbed both items and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of liquor out of the fridge and a rag to bite down on

"game on bitches" I said taking 2 huge gulps of tequila before biting down on the rag. I began raising the blade to my head cutting out a chunk of skin and hair. I screamed onto the towel as I removed the small slither of scalp from my head. 

I removed the rag from my mouth and began huffing loudly. I washed my hands and grabbed a notebook and plyers from my bathroom. I began to write journal entries for a week. When I was done I grabbed the plyers and Orajel to numb my mouth. when it was fully numbed i began to remove teeth. I screamed in agony. Thanks to the loud music from the block party happening outside of my home. I began to feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I stuck the needle from the cabinet in my arm and watched as blood filled the large tube. I Took as much blood as possible before I started feeling Dizzy. I took the blood and wiped it up and down the walls making it look like a murder scene. 

I sat back and lit my cigarette admiring the Mess I just made. I grabbed my phone and called Arabian hoping itll go to voicemail and when it did I set my plan in motion. I went back to the bathroom and banged on the door for sound effects

"Arabian I need your help. Bones and Darius they're trying to kill me. I said Banging "I cant- i snatched the door opened and ended the call and shattered my phone. I laughed hysterically as a saw my plan fall in to place. I gathered some of my clothes and waited til 4 am to leave this life behind, but not before taking revenge on everyone whos made my life hard.


Darius POV

I sat with the twins while trying to get in touch with bones. A couple weeks ago we made a deal. If he helps me get custody of the kids then I'll get him connections to become the plug in the big house. I had my man on the inside ready now all I needed was to give  Bones the ok. His phone kept going straight to voicemail.
"Mane Ian finna keep calling" I said before leaving a voicemail " bro our deal is done. I got what I wanted to see that bitch Key go down, and you got that connection." I ended the call.  Before I could do anything else the door bust open.
"Dang ma you scared me" I said
" Doing something you weren't supposed to huh" she started " go get the rest of the groceries" she said just as I reached the door I heard sirens
"What the police doing here?" I asked
"They been out all day, might just be anoth-" she was cut off by a knock on he door

"Chicago PD open up" I opened the door knowing I didn't have any drugs or anything to hide.

"Darius Michelle?" The policeman asked

"Yes" I answered questioningly "What is this about" my mom asked walking to the front asking the policeman
"You're under arrest for the suspected murder and disappearance of Keyanni Carter. Put your hands behind your back." He said before reading me my Rights and taking me to the car.

"Murder he didn't murder anyone" my mom said
" I didn't even know she was dead" I said he pat my pocket and the voicemail began to play "bro our deal is done. I got what I wanted to see that bitch Key go down, and you got that connection."

My head dropped knowing how bad this must look.
" Hm still sticking to that story. " He said removing closing the door.

As the car drove away I could see the look on my mother and child faces. Worry and fear, but the most devastating emotion... Disappointment

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