Chapter 1

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"Hey, sweetie. We're here." Oh lord.

As I peel my eyes open I quickly notice the bright sunlight. It's like staring into the sun, then I just remember that it's worse... I'm in Phoenix.

"Are there no clouds on the west coast?" I sit up, cracking my sore neck.

"Oh calm down. It's not that bad."

"It's not that great."

"Look. Here. The house. Now, this is definitely pretty great."

We drive up to this house that can only be described as big and beige. It's definitely bigger than our last place. By about three Taco Bells. And then it's beige, like every other house around it. And what's the plural of cactus, 'cause there are a shit ton of them. And that's the only green around. Oh, besides the one large palm tree that I can see popping out from the backyard. It's definitely different from what I'm used to.

"Dave just got here. We should start unpacking what we can before the movers get here."

"Oh yay..."

"Oh wow, the enthusiasm is contagious."

I step out of the car and the heat smacks me like a newborn baby.

"Fuck!" I shout as I slam the car door.

"Language mister." And then there's Dave.

"Funny." I walk right past him and to the trunk.

"Hey, honey." My mom and Dave kiss and I badly want to vomit.

"Can we just get this done with?"

"Oh calm down." Dave walks over. "It's not like you're going to help out anyway."

"I was, but I guess now I don't have to." I grab my backpack and just walk towards the house. "The keys?" I turn back to them.

"Here buddy." Dave throws me the keys.

"Thanks. Dave."

"Pick any room other than the master." My mom yells over.

"That's the room with the big bathroom," Dave shouts and I just put on the biggest fakest smile while I give him a thumbs up.

I step inside and... it's also beige. But it's massive. The kitchen is big. The living room is big. And then there's the backyard. I step out and besides the heat, I instantly notice the smell from the green pool.


The smell is bad, but the size of the pool is more impressive than I'd like to admit. And there is some grass back here. So if anything, the backyard is already my favorite spot. But only once the pool is cleaned up.

I head back in and upstairs. The master is at the top of the stairs. Normally I wouldn't be thrilled about this, because it will be harder to sneak out, but I'm kinda excited for the challenge.

I see another room directly next to the master. Walk right past it. Then I walk down to the hall and to the farthest possible room. It's nice. Definitely bigger than my last.

"Movers are here! Come down and help guide them!" Dave shouts from downstairs.

I throw my bag down. Then I look out one of my windows and towards the neighboring house. And I spot a boy. Looks about my age. He's wearing a bathing suit and just a bathing suit. And his body... damn. He's also got an amazing thick head of brown hair. And then he suddenly looks over and makes direct eye contact with me. He smiles. I smile. Then he walks out of view. Sad. I could've stared for a couple more hours.

"Come on!" I hear Dave yelling and I immediately remember how angry I was again.


"Are you sure you don't need help building your bed?"

"I'm good mom. I'll get to it tomorrow."

"Okay. Well if you need anything just let me know."

"Okay, mom."

"Goodnight. Love you."

"Yeah. Love you too."

She finally leaves my room and I quickly lock the door. I rummage through my bags and grab a clean shirt, quickly throwing it on and the lights off. I open my window facing the neighbor's house and slip onto the roof. And then the neighbor boy's lights turn on and nearly gives me a heart attack. I see him walking into his room and notice me. I just smile and I can tell he wants to laugh. He walks up to his window and opens it.

"Hey," I say as he begins to laugh.

"What are you doing?" He's looking cute. Not as cute as before because he has a shirt on, but still not bad.

"Going out."

"Out the window?"


"Going anywhere in specific?"

"No. Just out."

"Sounds dangerous."

"I like dangerous."

"Now you sound like the bad boy from a teen rom-com."

"Ouch. That really hurts."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I've got thick skin."

"I'm Asher by the way."


"Nice to meet you."

"I'm still thinking you over..." I smirk as I slide off the roof, gripping the edge, then dropping down to the ground.

4:35 am...

"Shit," I mumble under my breath as I smack my foot against a large rock.

I quietly open the gate and close it, trying very hard to not make a single noise. It's not very easy though. Things are a bit tipsy at the moment.

But I guess I wasn't quiet enough because Asher's window opens and his head pops out.

"Are you just getting back?" He's shirtless, just like I like him.

"No. I'm heading out for a morning run." He laughs at that and starts looking up at the roof.

"How do you plan on getting back up."

"Oh, you underestimate me my good sir."

I take a deep breath, make sure everything is where it is, step back as far as I can, then run and jump at the roof. I grip the edge of the roof with my hands tightly and start swinging. Then I use my feet and push off the side of the house to push myself up and onto the roof.


"Huh! Asher! The language!"

"My bad." We both laugh, his smile making me feel good. "That was some Spiderman-type stuff."

"Spiderman has nothing on me." I pull out a flask from my pants and have a quick swig.

"Are you drunk?" I can see the small amount of judgment in his face.

"Not drunk, but feeling good." I slide my window open. "I should get to bed though before it fades away."

"Okay. Just be careful."




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