Chapter 5

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Weirdly enough, I did sleep. I went to bed almost immediately and actually fell asleep quite quickly. Now I wouldn't say I slept long, but longer than usual... by only an hour or so. By six in the morning, I was up and ready for the day. So I woke up and started playing solitaire. Yeah... this is what Phoenix has done to me.

I eventually make my way downstairs to grab something quick to eat. But of course, Dave is there. Sitting alone and eating a bowl of cereal. Suddenly I'm not very hungry.

"Spencer." Oh no! He saw me! "Spencer. Come here."

I take a deep breath and walk in.


"I've got a security company coming by later today. They'll be installing a security system."

"Oh? Like what?"

"Camera, sensors, the works."


"It will be. That way your mother doesn't have to worry about you being out all night."

"Okay." And here he goes.

"I'm serious. There will be no going in or out of this house without me knowing."

"Okay." I squeeze my fist, digging my nails into my palm.

"Really? Can you just be mature? We're allowing you to stay with us for free and if you want it to remain that way then you will follow our rules."


"You can go back to your room now." I immediately turn around and leave, no longer hungry in any way or form.

Eventually, Asher wakes up and I quickly make my way out the window and over to his room.

"I'm going to die. I won't be able to sneak out. I won't even be able to open a window for some fresh air without Dave running up to my door and wanting to make sure I'm still there."

"You're not gonna die."

"Being stuck in my room all day will actually kill me."

"All you have to do is come over here. You can sleep in here on the floor. And if you really need to leave in the middle of the night, then you can go out on my roof as you do yours."

"Really? You'd be fine with that?"

"Well I'd prefer if you actually stayed the whole night and didn't go out wherever you go, but if you really need to, I'd cover for you."

"Golly gee I think you may be my new bestie." I wrap my arm around him. "Now would my bestie like to grab me some sort of food so that I do not die from starvation?" I give him puppy eyes.

"You're so weird." he pushes my arm off and stands up. "I'll grab you a muffin."

"Chocolate?" He just looks at me. "Love you too."

As Asher is gone I take a good look around his room for once. I can't believe I didn't notice the Shazam movie poster with him on it and signed by the entire cast. And I really am surprised that I didn't notice the album artwork on the wall with his face in the center. It's a bit sad.

And then I happen to bump into his desk and his computer returns on. I immediately notice the screensaver of him with this blonde girl. And I don't know why, but my stomach drops. Like I know he's straight. And he told me about his ex once. But if he was over her, then why is she on his computer still?

"Here you go." Asher walks in and I quickly step away from the computer.

He hands me a muffin and a juice box before noticing his computer screen.

"Is that your ex?" I can't resist asking.

"Yeah... kinda..."

"Kinda?" I take a big bite out of the muffin.

"Well, she's been texting and wants to get back together." I almost immediately choke on the muffin. "Oh my god! You okay?"

"Yeah." I'm able to speak once I swallow everything. "So... are you getting back with her?"

"I don't know."

"I never asked before, but how exactly did it all end?"

"It wasn't anything bad. She was just moving at a faster pace than me."

"So, like she wanted to be more serious? Or was it more on the lines of sex?" I feel awkward asking this, but I also really want to know.

"Ugh..." I can tell he's uncomfortable.

"It's fine. We don't have to talk about this."

"No. It's fine. It's actually kinda nice to talk to someone about it." He sits down at his desk and I sit across from him on his bed. "It was about sex. To be fully honest, I've never done like anything."


"Just kissing." I look at him and how hot he is and my mind is boggled at how no one has hit that. "But she kept wanting to go further and further. And I just didn't feel comfortable. I know it sounds weird. What boy doesn't want to do it? It's why I've never really discussed it. It feels like I'm less of a man."

"I get it."


"Yeah. I can't personally relate to the no-sex part. I did lose my virginity when I was 15. But I get feeling pressure to do something to 'be more like a man'. I commend you, honestly."

"Yeah. I've never had that kind of willpower."


"Now I've been eyeing your pool ever since we moved in. If you're not going to invite me to jump in... I might just have to go skinny dipping tonight."


"What? You want that?" We both start laughing.

"Eww. No. Just go get your bathing suit."

"I already have it on."

"What? How?"

"Well, I haven't done laundry in a while..."


"And? Anything new there?"

"Sadly no." He stands up and takes his shirt off. "Now look away. I've gotta change." He reaches for a bathing suit and I turn around.

It is the most tempting thing in the world to peek at. I could easily look at his reflection in one of the hanging photos or the computer, but I don't. I stay classy. I remain an adult. And I hate myself so much for it right now.

"You're good." I turn around and it takes all my restraint from just staring at his amazing body.

"Lord, you're slow."

"Oh shut up. Let's get in the pool before I kick you out of here."

"You would never do that. You wouldn't know what you'd do without me."

"I would probably be a bit saner."

"What's the fun in that?" I push him back. "Last one there sleeps on the floor tonight." I start running.


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