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This song, I love this song. Even back then when I haven't understood the meaning, the melody already caressed my heart. Once I got the meaning, well, I'm head over heels. This is a beautiful song for star-crossed lovers.
My friends, if you're enduring it right now, don't worry. Just love and be strong for each other. That is enough to someday break the barriers and you'll emerge triumphantly beating all the odds... 

For this, I won't cast SK, I'll be using my star-crossed cp as my imaginary characters...



作词 Lyrics: 饒雪漫
作曲 Composer: 周興哲

親愛的你躲在哪裡發呆 - Qīn'ài de nǐ duǒzài nǎlǐ fādāi
My love, where are you hiding? 

有什麼心事還無法釋懷 - Yǒushé me xīnshì hái wúfǎ shìhuái
There is nothing to worry about.

我們總把人生想得太壞 - Wǒmen zǒngbǎrénshēng xiǎngdé tài huài
We always think bad about life.

像旁人不允許我們的怪 - Xiàng pángrén bù yǔnxǔ wǒmende guài
Like the strangers who forbid us.

每一片與眾不同的雲彩 -Měi yīpiàn yǔzhòng bùtóng de yúncai
Every piece of cloud is unique.

都需要找到天空去存在 唔 - Dōu xūyào zhǎodào tiānkōng qù cúnzài wú
They need to find the sky to exist.

我們都習慣了原地徘徊 - Wǒmendōu xíguànle yuán dì páihuái
We're all used to wandering around.

卻無法習慣被依賴 -què wúfǎxíguàn bèi yīlài
Can't get used to being relied on.

你給我 這一輩子都不想失聯的愛 - Nǐgěi wǒzhè yībèizi dōu bùxiǎngshī lián de ài
You give me the love that I will never want to lose.

相信愛的征途就是星辰大海 - Xiāngxìn ài de zhēngtú jiùshì xīngchén dàhǎi 
Believe this love journey is the sea of stars.

美好劇情 不會更改 - Měihǎo jùqíng bù huì gēnggǎi
The beautiful plot will never change.

是命運最好的安排 哦 - Shì mìngyùn zuì hǎode ānpái ó 
This is destiny's most beautiful plan.

你是我 這一輩子都不想失聯的愛 - Nǐshì wǒzhè yībèizi dōu bùxiǎngshī lián de ài
You are the love that I will never want to lose.

何苦殘忍逼我把手輕輕放開 - Hékǔcánrěn bī wǒ bǎshǒuqīng qīng fàng kāi
Why do I have to let you go?

請快回來 想聽你說 - Qǐngkuài huílái xiǎngtīng nǐshuō 
Please come back, I want to hear you say.

說你還在 - Shuō nǐ hái zài
Say that you're still here.

走過陪你看流星的天台 - Zǒuguò péi nǐkàn liúxīng de tiāntái 
Walk with you on the rooftop to watch the meteors.

熬過失去你漫長的等待- Áo guòshī qù nǐmàncháng de děngdài
Get through to lose your endless wait.

好擔心沒人懂你的無奈 - Hǎo dānxīn méi rén dǒngnǐ dewúnài
I'm so worried that no one understands your helplessness.

離開我誰還把你當小孩 - Líkāi wǒ shuí hái bǎ nǐdāng xiǎohái
Without me, they'll treat you like a child.

我猜你一定也會想念我 - Wǒ cāi nǐyīdìng yě huì xiǎngniàn wǒ
I guess you're missing me too.

MY LOVE SONGS FOR YOU, IT'S JUST FAREWELL, NOT GOODBYE & their short storiesWhere stories live. Discover now