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as you go back and forth with seven on the phone you get up to pace around the room. connie watches you two argue. his eyes never leaves you as you walk around flailing your arms as you exaggerate your speech,cute. he thought you were so cute. the way your hair was messy from not having a bonnet , how his shirt was too big on you, how the sunlight was hitting your skin from the window , he thought you were so cute.

"seven..stop yelling at me just tell me what happened bro"

"okay okay so when we were running away me and vee swore yo ass was right behind us but we didn't see you"

"yeah bitch because i fell over the fence and bust my ass"

you huffed and sat down exaggeratedly on the couch next to connie, not even caring how close you were.

connie's surprised as you sat next to him, he looks over to you ,you didn't even acknowledge that he was there.

"wait..bitch where are you" you snap back into reality and look over at connie.

"oh um im with connie"

"girl no shut up , after yall rudely left me , which i still haven't forgiven you for by the way" you roll your eyes ,"connie found me and took me back to his place"

"oh girl i thought you were kidnapped , but seriously y/n im sorry we left you i swear we thought you were right behind us"

"girl apologies later just come pick me up, whats your address connie?"

you turn to look at him as he turns to look at you.

"you leaving me already ma? i thought we was 4lifers" he grips his shirt as if he just got his heart broken
"yes im leaving you connie i need to reevaluate my entire life , in the comfort off my own crib"

he makes puppy dog eyes at you

"connie..your address"

"please stay longer"


he let out a huge sigh as if he was actually disappointed. you think to yourself that he literally just met you yesterday,and half the time you were passed out,theres no way hes interested in you that fast

"its xxxx ******* street"
"thank you con con "

"wowww nick names already? i wanna give you one"

he jumps up out his seat like a excited child and taps his finger on his chin like hes actually thinking

"how about..big ass forehead y/n"

your face literally drops as he lets out the biggest laugh , like that shit was actually funny

"boy shut up i know yo baldheaded ass aint biddin" (biddin means to crack jokes about someone for non phillians 🙄)

his face falls and you immediately start laughing
"yeah yeah oh okay bc i thought mr clean said sumn"
"y/nnnn stoppppp that's not funny"

"it really is tho" as you guys bicker back and forth your phone start ringing , it's seven.
"oh sevvs calling me she must be outside , i gotta go connie"

you start to collect your things as you realize your still have his shirt on

"oh and sorry about your shirt ,i didn't wanna put my dress back on"

"yeah no it's cool keep it"

you start walking to the door when you feel him grab your arm

"yeah ? what's up ?shes outside "

"can i have your number , you know just to check up on you and stuff and i did save you and all" he rubs his neck sheepishly. you think about it, well he did save my life and let me , a stranger into his home knowing damn well i could've been a murderer..yeah he can have it

"sure,it's xxx-xxx-xxxx"
after you two exchange numbers you leave his apartment building and walk towards the car where sevv is, you get in the car and lean back in the seat allowing yourself to finally relax.

"hey sevv"
seven wraps her arms around you and engulfed you in a big hug

"ooh y/n i missed you so much i was so worried about you"

you let out a chuckle and hug her back
"me ? i was worried about y'all wondering if the cops got yall n shit"

you both let go and intake each other's appearances as you hadn't seen each other since last night.
you look at seven and her locs were up in a pony tail as she had on a plain gray crop top with gray nike sweats and some slides.

you on the other hand, look wrecked. you're in a shirt that's not yours , heels , messy hair and bruises all over you

"damn y/n what was yall getting to in there"
seven says as she pulls out of the apartment driveway

"yuck sevv i'm hurt you even thought of that, but nothing happened between us these bruises are from me busting my ass"

sevv looks you up n down in a "you lying but okay" way. she lets out a "mmmhmnmm" before she continues driving

"i'm serious sevv"
"yeah sure y/n, but you need to eat and i'm hungry too so where we going"

"after a night like yesterday man i need some chick-fil-a, best homophobia i ever had"
"you definitely ain't lying , that shit be hittin too good"

while seven puts in the directions to the nearest chick-fil-a on her phone , you check your phone as you really didn't get to look at it. 30 missed calls from sevv 20 ,from vee, missed texts from cleo and mikasa

you text both of them back letting them know what happened and telling them you were safe. you didn't include the connie part as you don't want anyone to think you two were doing something on the low.
as you reply to everyone and even text vee to let her know your with sevv getting food you get a text from someone new.

con con
hey baeeee

bigheaded y/n<3
hey lol

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