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philadelphia,PA- connie's car

you felt your blood rush to your head as your whole body started to feel tingly. butterflies erupting in your stomach and nervous spreading throughout your veins as you feels connie's soft lips on yours.

as you kissed him you felt his hand come up and cup your face,feeling the warmness of your skin caressing you like you're so fragile he's scared he might break you, but that might be exactly what you want. you bring your hands up to rest on his shoulders as you feel him turn his head slightly to deepen the kiss which caused you to let how a small whine allowing him to stick his tongue in. feeling his tongue explore the deepest parts of your mouth your body can't help but feel invigorated,wanted to go further wanting to feel him , his skin his everything.
your hands slowly come up to the nape of his hair feeling around and the deeper and rougher this kiss got the more you wanted you be close to him. you lightly tug at his hair and he lets out a moan.

feeling connie's swollen lips detach from yours to say something you continue to give him little pecks

"y/n...mhm.. do you-"


the both of you jump to knocks on the door and muffled yelling outside of the car. rolling down the window with annoyance rushing through you , you look out to see seven and the three fucking musketeers waiting for you.

"yes ?seven , and the other 3 ninja turtles ?" you ask obviously upset

"rude, but you wasn't answering your phone and we wanted to let you know that we're leaving so we came to look for you, but we can obviously see you had sumn else going on"

"duh ,you could've just texted it to me"

"i know but we didn't know if you were riding home with buzzcut or us"

looking towards connie he gives you a head nod telling you that he'll take you home.

"i'm riding with con , now shop go away i hate you all"

"bye y/n we love you" all four of them say in unison

"and you have got some explaining to do when you get back" vee whispers to you before running off to catch up with the others.

flipping them off you turn back into your seat rolling the window up, leaning back and letting out a sigh.

"i'm sorry about that they're just very nosy and annoying "people" if you even wanna call them that"

connie let's out a chuckle after hearing your comment about your friends

"aw y/n don't be sad they just care about you"

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