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philadelphia,PA-Connie's Crib

[i just wanna say thank you for 2k reads and all the love this story is getting ! it really means a lot and ik i don't update very often but i be busy 🕺🏽 n e ways enjoy the story love yall mwuah , oh and there's smut;) ]

you finally arrived at connies apartment and it was nicer than you thought it would be. you were sitting on connies couch while you wait for him to finish making the popcorn so you guys can watch the movie. in the car you were slightly nervous about being at his house but once you got there you felt comfortable
you changed into your pajamas which was a tank top and some fluffy pants and so did he , he planned to get some snacks first and blankets so you would be comfortable before the movie started.

"okay the popcorns ready you can start it now" he says jumping on the couch from behind it
picking up the remote you put on the first movie of many , but he didn't know that yet. yall decided to watch tangled first because why not.

"okay so this movie gets sad so i better not hear no sniffling over there " you say to connie jokingly

"me ? cry ? nahh i could never , especially not at a kids movie" he says taking a handful of popcorn

"i don't know con i thought i was a tough cookie too but this movie got to me"

"i'm not crying y/n"

moments later connie was bawling his eyes out in your lap , you ran your hands through his silver curls trying to soothe him

"con con it's okay it was just a movie"you say talking to him in a baby voice

"i knoowwwwww b-but mother gothel was so mean an-and she finally got to meet her real parents and they got to be together and it was just" he couldn't then finish the last sentence without a few tears rolling down his face. it warmed your heart that connie was already comfortable enough to cry in front of you.

"it's okay connie they got a happy ending and they'll never suffer again okay ?" you kiss his forehead reassuring him

"will we get a happy ending?" he sits up and wipes his eyes and you can tell that this is a genuine question.

"of course we will"
you lower your head to leave a little peck on his lips to make him feel better but it turns into a deeper kiss the way he grabs your face and pulls you in. you allow yourself to melt into the kiss , feeling his warm hands grip you up made your body ache for him, wanting more and more of just him.

his hand reaches for your chest and lightly squeezes them
"is this okay ?" he asks making sure he's not making you uncomfortable
you nod your head aggressively just wanting to feel his touch again
he reaches back and gently squeezes both your mounds with his hands feeling all around them, tugging at your shirt he signals for you to pull it down and you happily obliged
pulling back from the kiss he watches your breasts pop out of your shirt and proceeds to wrap his mouth around your nipple. sucking on one and squeezing the other he's giving you pleasure that you've never felt before that's going straight down to your core. he sucks and licks all around and pulls your other nipple just a little making you let out a whiny moan.
"yeah ? you like when i do that?" you nod your head while reaching  your hands up to his head encouraging him to give you more.
"so impatient, i'm gonna give you more just wait"
he comes back up to kiss you sloppily and then reaches his hand down to your lower back, pushing you down while he lays beside you feeling all up on your body.

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