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philadelphia, PA; y/ns crib

waking up you find your head aching and spinning. the sun peers in on your face making your melanin shine. "well goddamn" you think , "i need to stop smoking so much" attempting to get up you feel yourself being pulled back in by a strong arm. having your back against his chest and feeling his warmth he mutters into your ear.

"where you tryna go ?" first thing in the morning and this man already has you melting, talking to you in his deep sleepy voice.

"to the bathroom con" you move his arm from around you and try to get off the bed only to find your legs absolutely aching. "well goddamn again , my legs feel like they're on fire". you sat on the edge of the bed with your feet planted on the floor slowly rubbing your thighs trying to ease the pain. connie comes up behind you putting his body weight up against your back as his arms nest on your shoulders.

"that's because i beat it up and put it downnn last night, and when we live together ima do it all over again"

oh yeah , that's right, you and connie had sex. wait.. you and connie had sex, SEX?

your eyes widen starting to remember what happened, you completely forgot that he had absolutely flipped your insides around last night, and it's not like you never had sex before but, this isn't how you planned it to be.

"oh shit..and what do you mean when we live together con , you have to get to phase one first"

"i'm already like 3 phases in , and achieved them all in the same night" when you referred to phase one you meant you being his girlfriend. and you gauging remember a very obnoxious connie asking you something along the lines of "will you be my girlfriend" and you aimlessly agreed. oh no , oh fuck no, you fucked up.

starting to mentally panic you need to sort this out like asap but you don't know what to do.

"yeah yeah okay i need to pee so i'll be right back" you get up too fast from the bed and fall face first onto the floor. good thing you did because you spot your phone so you grab it. muttering expletives while pulling yourself up and hurrying to the bathroom you slam the door and lock it.

"oh shit oh shit oh shit, pick up pick up pick up" seeing the "connecting" on the facetime call your panic simmers a little

"hey n/n whatcha want" sev sat her phone up at her desk while she sat and curled her 30 inch 613 frontal.

"sev i fucked up like , really fucked up"

she looks at the camera and you can see her face shows sense of worry
"well spit it out y/n"

"so last night con was over and everything and my first mistake was having sex , well i wouldn't call it a mistake it was godly and i don't regret one second it-"

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