𝐥𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐮𝐭-𝟎𝟏𝟐

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☆let's talk it out-012☆

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let's talk it out-012

philadelphia,PA- Car ride home

arriving home you sit yourself down on the couch and process what just happened. you felt shaken up but other than that you were fine , just hurt. seven sat down next to you waiting for you to start your explanation of everything that went down because you refused to speak in the car. you were trying to quell the copious amounts of thoughts in your mind so you could put together sentences to even start telling her.


"i know i know" you gather your final thoughts and take a deep breath and allow yourself to speak.

"okay, so for the past month and some change me and connie have been getting real close, like he never treats me badly and he's so sweet n stuff with everything and makes me feel wanted. the way i look at him and how he looks at me makes me feel like i'm floating and i never wanna come back down. so we've been hanging out , going places , dates and stuff even sexual shit like i'm spending the night at this mans house so i'm thinking we actually got something good goin on, right ? wrong bitch ." you look up to seven and see her nodding , the investment in her eyes very prominent so you continue to speak.

"so today we ran errands together and it felt like we were really falling for each other..but we get to the restaurant and he gets up to use the bathroom and his phone goes off so i check it duh i'm nosy" you chuckle to yourself at that last line but not because it was funny but because you felt dumb. for allowing him to play you

"okay i'm following everything but what was the thing that had you so hurt" seven asks not catching onto what you were saying

"he had got a text from some bitch with a s initial with a heart , it said some shit like "i miss you baby come see me again" or something like that."

"woah wait what the fuck , did he explain who or what it was?" seven says grabbing your hands so you can turn to look at her

"see that's the thing sev he doesn't need to explain i already know everything i need to , i just don't understand how i could allow myself to be so blind, it happened again. i feel dumb like i really liked him and this happens, it's so obvious it's from some girl so what's there to explain"
seven could sense that y/n wasn't gonna even attempt to fix this. she knew y/ns horrible dating experience which is why it took y/n so long to tell her about her and connie, she just wanted to make sure it was real and it obviously wasn't.

"n/n, i'm not gonna lie to you the way you described this boy made it seem like you two really liked each other and hit it off and it may just be a misunderstanding, but if you truly feel like there is no further explanation then fuck him girl , hot girl summer is in action and you can always find another one"

"i'm just so hurt sev i can't explain it, and i'm sorry for not telling you sooner"

"it'll be okay n/n give it time , and it's okay i kinda already figured you've been sneaking off with him , you just wanted to be careful."

seven takes your arms and pulls them around her so she could give you a hug. it's obvious that you definitely needed one right now and she could see the hurt in you with the way your voice cracked while talking and how you almost never broke eye contact with the ground. not even looking at it just thinking.

you felt safe with seven and is eternally grateful that you have such a wonderful best friend.
"i'm gonna go take a shower to uh..calm down" you say

seven nods as she watches you walk to your room. sitting in your room you sit down and really contemplate what just happened. you have the repeating "don't cry don't cry don't cry" rattling around your brain every time you think of it.
"maybe it really was a misunderstanding" you think but that's overtaken by "better to be safe then sorry" thoughts. your head starts to ache with all this thinking so you pick up your phone to distract yourself.

you're met with a bunch of "y/n please call me" and "where are you ? let's talk this out" so the phone is obviously a no go , sigh shower it is

getting in the shower helped take some stress off and helped you relax , it always did , anytime you were stressed about anything showering helped , the hot water made you feel safe and made you feel like you were actually there. stepping out you throw your towel on and walk into your room taking a shot at picking up your phone again , this time you have messages from someone you don't mind talking to.

hey hoe, i miss you and school is coming up soon we should hang out before we're being tortured continuously in a building full of people we don't like 😁

reading her text made you smile ,. you've realized it's been awhile since you've hung out with your friends after you start dealing with someone who name doesn't need to be spoken , so you unlock your phone to text her back

i miss you too hoe❤️ i ain't even realize school was around the corner , but we definitely should get together say tmr night ? let's go to a clubbb😛

girl club ain't nun but a word i'm in !🏃🏽‍♀️

you liked the message and decided it was time to rest after a stressful day. before you closed your eyes you wondered if you should give the shoes connie bought you back just because you don't want it to seem like you used him , yeah that sounds good , you'll give them back. tomorrow though because the exhaustion finally hits you and you fall into a deep , well needed,sleep.

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