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philadelphia,PA-Connie's car

youre driving in the car with connie as y'all scream at the top of yall lungs the song you were both singing too. he let you have the aux and the amount of songs he knew that you liked made you happy. you were now playing (your song) and the way he sung every lyric with you made your stomach flutter. you guys pull up into erens driveway and and he turns the music down to speak to you

"you have a wonderful taste in music i must say" he says whirl unbuckling his seatbelt

"why thank you, so do you" he smiles at you lovingly

"well let's go this shouldn't take long" you nod and hop out the and walk up to erens front door and is surprised when connie just walks in , he doesn't even knock , i guess they're close like that.

"yo" he says

erens crib

three heads turn , armin , jean and some random girl but not to look at connie , to look at you , like they were confused. except for the girl who was making googly eyes at connie like she never seen someone this fine before. you watch jean notice her staring and wraps his arm around her defensively, ah, so she's with him.

"yo bro , what you doing with y/n?" eren asks connie

"i cant hang out with my wife what you pressing me for?"

"WIFE" all 3 of them say in unison , excluding the girl

"yes , wife, this is my baby my princess my world" connie says bringing your head into his arms and pulling you into his chest while smushing you.
"boy get off me i ain't a damn toy"

"she so mean, but it's cool" he says patting your head like you some type of dog. you give him a death glare to not get cursed out in front of his friends and he immediately stops.

"since when have you two been a thing ?" armin asks. neither of you knew how to answer this question since yall necessarily wasn't a thing , just two people who liked each other and hung out, so you both decided not to answer hoping he understood and he does, armin's smart.

"well hi y/n it's nice to see you again" jean says, talking to him made you reminisce of the little situation you two had at the party and it kinda made you feel awkward that yall never talked about it. as if everyone sensed this awkwardness you forced yourself to speak up to break the silence

"yeah good to see you too , and you are?" you look over to the girl sitting around jeans arm. she gets up and walk towards you with a not so happy look on her face. seeing her up close shes around 5'3 with big brown eyes and a round face. she's has on long lashes with faux freckles decorating her face which complimented her lips that were drowned in lip gloss , and her orange 22 inch lace topped it all off.
she was pretty that's for sure.

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