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(AN: I want to start this chapter, by saying I'm an idiot, and I cant believe that last chapter, I forgot to have Caleb learn roman's name.... So, for some reason, Caleb just knew roman was roman, and that's a blooper... so, sorry, anyway, let's get into the chapter!)

(Caleb's POV, Vale city.)

The roof exploded, and I only had a few seconds beforehand to tackle the little girl in the red cloak and try to protect her from the blast. Though, surprisingly, I heard the sound of debris peppering something, and I didn't feel the hot pressure wave that I usually did when a small explosion went off near me. "VK?"

Looking up, I saw that VK was still on the street, but had arrived at the building I was at. "Caleb, are you alright?"

Me and the little girl coughed a little as we got up, I offered her a hand, which she hesitantly took. "Yeah, I'm fine, and no hard feelings, right gun nut?"

The girl stared at my hand, then looked up into my visor, before nodding a little, smiling a bit. "O- okay... y- yeah!"

I couldn't help but smile under my helmet back at her. God, she's just like Neeka... fucking adorable, I gotta protect her. I ruffled her hair, before turning around and pulling my Wingman off my thigh. My rifle nowhere to be seen.

"Both of you, please step back." The blonde i'd seen earlier, now standing in front of us and protecting us with some kind of purple barrier, growled out. She fixed her glasses, before waving a riding crop, and sending several energy beam-type projectiles at the VTOL that the man in the white suit was in.

What the fuck?! I turned back to VK, and pointed at the VTOL while the projectiles rattled it around a little. "HIT THAT FUCKER!"

VK didn't need any more words of encouragement and took aim with her XO-16. "Firing." VK pulled the trigger and I calmed down to the heavy firing of her chaingun, each round doing much better damage than the energy projectiles. taking big, fist-sized chunks out of the VTOL's hull with every round that hit it.

The man in the white suit growled, before disappearing into the cockpit. A few moments later,  a woman walked out and into the cargo bay. H- ho- h- hot... hot woman! The woman, was indeed, very very hot. She walked with purpose and seemed unaffected by the VTOL's constant shaking. The red dress she was wearing clung to her body nicely, and even though I couldn't see her face, her amber eyes sent shivers down my spine. Goddamnit, she's fucking hot! Why is everyone fucking hot?!

The woman didn't fall to the rounds that VK fired at her, she just melted them, as though they weren't even a concept to her. Me, gun nut, VK, and the blonde all watched the woman shoot fucking fire out of her hands, the first burst of which the blonde just stopped with another barrier and the second of which, I rolled back and pulled gun nut with me to dodge.

"OKAY, VK, TRY ROCKETS!" I didn't notice the massive fucking demonic eyeballs that had appeared on the roof we were all standing on, but the blonde did and jumped back with me and gun nut.

"Understood." VK fired a small salvo at the VTOL, the rockets spreading to hit numerous points on the VTOL's hull. This didn't work either though, because the hottest woman I'd ever seen simply waved her hand, and about two meters away from the VTOL, all the rockets exploded.

This wouldn't have been completely odd in comparison to what I'd already seen if the red hot fragments of them exploding didn't shoot back at me and the two chicks on the roof with me in a big, massive wave. "Everyone, OFF THE ROOF!" I shoved gun nut off the roof, and into VK's expecting grasp, before jumping into the street, the blonde soon following.

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