through the window

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(Caleb's POV, vale city)

"Look, I got this, all I gotta do is steal a phone, right?"

"Yes, pilot Caleb, I should be able to access this world's information via a cellular device if you can steal one."

I sighed, now walking through the city of Vale at night after my run-in with miss Neo. The streets were empty aside from people that were grouped up, moving from bar to bar, shop to shop. Not good targets... I already sucked at pickpocketing enough when mom tried to show me how to do it. Then I saw them, a man in a white suit, and four men in black suits. All of them looking like they were dumb, with a lot of money and hopefully a phone too. Maybe... they're dumb enough this might just work.

The group of five entered a small shop that I didn't care enough to read the sign for. Following them in, in full armor, with my rifle on my back, and wingman on my thigh didn't seem to draw attention surprisingly.

Huh, I was wondering why Coco didn't freak out... neither did Velvet... Is this just normal? Am I in the calmest combat zone ever? I suddenly realized I was actually in the middle of a robbery when one of the guys in black suits pulled out the ugliest, thickest, heaviest pistol I'd ever seen and aimed it at the old man.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?" The man in the white suit asked. Is it really late? The old man jumped back and gave me pleading eyes, but I just leaned back on the doorframe, thoroughly entertained at this point. Fuck you dude, I'm just a bystander right now.

"Please! Just take my lien and leave!" The man whispered in fear.

The man in the white suit had a look of concern on his face that I could tell was fake, not taking his cigar out to talk. "Shh shh shh shhhh. We're not here for your money..." In seconds the facade melted away as he looked to one of his underlings with a frown. "Grab the dust."

I watched the group of four quickly fan out through the store, while the old man took a few extra steps back. The old man still giving me pleading eyes as I hummed softly into my helmet before VK's voice cut into my humming. "How is the search going, pilot?"

"Well, VK, I've got a few targets here, but I'm kinda wrapped up with something right now." The man in the white suit turned around surprised by my presence, while the old man let out a sigh of relief.

"Targets, huh? What are you, some kinda atleasian deserter, kid?" The guy joked, crossing his arms. From the back of the store, I heard a slight commotion, or at least what sounded like an argument.

"Nope... actually, I might be a business partner, if you're hiring." The old guy slumped over in defeat, while the man in the white suit just chuckled. He took a puff from his cigar while looking me over.

"Business partner? Kid, I think I got a small robbery handled pretty well, even if my goons are as dumb as bricks." He was promptly proven wrong by a girl in red and one of his goons went flying through a window to my right.

"You were saying, bud?" We all went outside, just to see a chick that was listening to music slowly stand up and unfold a scythe about the size of VK's leg.

The man growled, taking yet another puff of smoke from his cigar, before gesturing to the girl and looking at his henchmen. "Well, get her!"

This just got a bit more interesting. "VK, start making your way towards me... As stealthily as you can, please." VK was silent for a moment, before responding as the man's goons got their shit rocked by the girl in red.

"Solid copy, pilot, I'll do my best." The man in the white suit growled, before looking to me.

"Fine, if you think you can do so well, you take her!" Pfft, piece of cake. I sized the girl up as I unslung my rifle from my back, she looked a bit shorter than Neeka, but not as tall as Neo. Her black hair was short too, and it had red-dyed tips, almost the same color as her red scythe, or the red in her dress and cloak. Alright Caleb... you're just wrestling Neeka... thats it... She's just a dumber version of Neeka... no big deal.

The girl looked me over as well, seemingly registering me as a hostile, before readying her scythe. "After I kick your butt, I'm gonna look over your totally awesome armor and gun!"

I chuckled, before racking the bolt on my R-201. "Yeah... just like Neeka." I promptly sent a fifteen-round spray at the girl, almost all of the bullets hitting her, and knocking her onto her ass. Despite all of this, the girl didn't bleed, instead, she just seemed to grit her teeth in annoyance.

Huh, maybe she has a shield? But I didn't see it flare... So maybe she's just got some really strong fabric in that dress? "Give it up, I've got you beat."

The girl growled, before pulling a trigger on her scythe, which I now realized was also a sniper rifle. She came flying towards me, spinning her scythe to try and catapitate me. Jesus christ, okay, here we g- I mentally cut myself off as I ducked, then jumped up and grabbed the girl by her waist.

I heard her yelp, before she was thrown into the ground, her scythe stuck into the earth nearby. "Owowowowowo-" I cut her off by sending a quick jab into her nose, causing her to whimper as I wound up for another punch.

"Give up, kiddie." The girl kept whimpering, before exploding into rose petals as she was now a bit of a ways away from me, her scythe in hand. The hell?!

The girl was now bleeding from her nose, and leaning on her scythe for support, no longer whimpering, seemingly determined to win. "I... won't let... let you get away with this!"

Oh, great, one of these types of people. "Hey, big guy, how much more do i-" As I turned to speak with the man in the white suit, I saw that he was gone. Oh, you son of a bitch...

"SO LONG LITTLE RED, AND HELMET KID!" The man shouted from a nearby rooftop, laughing like a madman.

Oh no you don't, you old fucker! "Come on, kid, we've got a score to settle." I grabbed the girl before deploying my grappling hook onto the side of the building that I saw the man on. The girl yelped in surprise as we were yanked towards it, before she started screaming as we got close to the wall.

I'm not letting that fucker get out of here without paying me! I don't beat up kids for free! Before we slammed into the wall, I readjusted so we'd land on our feet, before going into a wall-run, then double jumped onto the roof. The girl fell out of my arms while I rolled to not break my bones, and raised my rifle, pointed at the far end of the building. The man was currently about to climb into one of the VTOLS me and VK had seen chasing us earlier today.

"HEY! OLDIE!" I let four rounds hit the VTOL's side, right next to his hand. "I WANT MY CASH!"

The man chuckled as he stopped, reaching into his suit before turning around. "You and everyone else, kid." He chucked a red crystal of sorts at me, while I heard heavy footsteps behind me shaking the ground.

"ETA, thirty seconds, pilot." VK said into my comms before the guy pointed his cane at me. Oh shit.

"Hurry up VK!" Knowing something bad was definitely about to happen, I grabbed the still disoriented girl and sprinted towards the edge of the roof again. However, I saw yet another person standing on the roof, a blonde.

(hope you guys liked this one, I know its been a bit since I've updated this story so I wanted to do a quick, well, update. i hope to see you guys in the next one, and I'll see you kiddies later!

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