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Caleb's POV

My head was hurting like hell, not to mention most of my body. I felt sick to my stomach as I gasped for air, and the only thing I could hear, aside from the awful thudding of my heart in my ears and a heavy ringing, was a sudden voice that I somewhat recognized.

"Pilot, you're awake." A voice that sounded robotic but feminine filled my ears. "Your heart rate is extremely high, and it seems you're slightly nauseous. Your gear should help you in just a m-" Her voice was blotted out by the ringing reaching its peak before the sound of pressurized air leaving its capsule filled my ears and everything started to calm down. "Pilot? Can you hear me pilot? Is your combat suit malfunctioning?"

"VK? Is... is that you?" I groaned as I held my head and helmet in my hands. "I can't feel my face anymore, and my fucking skull feels like I got hit with a sledgehammer!"

My eyes were closed tightly, my teeth gritted in pain, as I tried to calm down from the awful torment I had just woken up to. "Yes pilot, that's me, I'm trying to reboot my core systems but somethings wrong... I can feel it... I... my memory banks..."

I could hear something happening around me as the pain suddenly subsided, and everything felt normal, I realized I was inside VK's cockpit, as I tried to remember what happened. "VK what happened?"

VK was silent for a moment, before responding as her external cameras turned on, and I could see into the outside world properly. "It seems we faced heavy resistance on our mission to the planet of..." VK went silent for a moment more, while I toke in the lush forest around us.

Trees and shrubs covered the forest's floor, birds could be heard chirping in the background, and I could swear I saw a few squirrels scurrying around.

"I... I can't remember which planet... nor the entirety of our orders... It seems some of my memory banks have been corrupted." VK finally responded, obviously as shaken as I was, even if she couldn't quite show it.

"Yeah... me neither... I can... I can remember bits and pieces... of my childhood... my training... getting to know you... but... nothing from any time recent... I think." As I started to regain my senses I felt my hand resting on something, and looked down to see my Wingman revolver in its holster. "huh..."

"Pilot, my sensors are picking up signs of a nearby settlement, I recommend we make our way there and perform reconnaissance to find out where we are." VK said calmly, starting to push through the brush and trees around us.

"Yeah... y- yeah, you're right... thanks, VK..." I whispered, patting her hull and letting her walk. "Mind if I rest for a bit?"

"Negative pilot, take your time. Though, I recommend you try to be combat-ready by the time we get to the settlement." VK responded in her usual, friendly, voice.

"Thanks, and got it, bolt bucket."

(Small timeskip)

"It appears neither IMC, nor Militia in origin or construction, pilot." VK and I currently stood on a forested ridge overlooking a sort of valley. In the valley was a massive, sprawling even, walled city. Factories and city blocks, stores, even a port at the far end on a shoreline, connected to what I assumed was one of the planet's oceans.

"You mind staying here, while I head inside?" I asked, patting VK's leg while looking up at her.

VK stared at me for a few seconds, eye adjusting for a few moments before she slightly nodded. "I stay, you go, got it pilot Caleb... Stay safe."

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