bounties for the killer

671 12 4

???'s POV

I read over the bounties for the third time and looked over my notes for the second time. Either I had gotten lucky, or I was super fucked. Only five? They're sending a team of five pilots to capture this place?

I shrugged before reading over the first file. Nicolette "Neeka" Keeko, born in an unnamed colony nineteen years ago. Three hundred, fifty thousand dollars for her head on a silver platter. Considered extremely volatile. I almost chuckled as I looked at the half-burned photograph of the girl, she had a massive smile on her face and some kind of makeshift laser flame thrower in hand. Her brown her had singed ends, and a few burn scars adorned her pale skin. The pyromaniac, she'll be fun to deal with.

I tossed her file aside as I picked up the next, its picture wasn't as deformed but it was definitely old. The man standing in it was smiling with a few other enlisted IMC personnel, his black hair contrasted well with his white armor. His tanned skin a bit out of place from the standard ghostly pale that most IMC pilots and grunts had. Born around twenty-nine years ago, Alex "Alpine" Jackson. The leader of strike team Jericho, and the second oldest of its members. Five hundred thousand alive, two hundred thousand dead.

Again I tossed his file aside as I picked up a much thinner file. "Briss" Eight hundred thousand dead. Considered extremely dangerous. No picture, and nothing else about him aside from his physical description... which only says... "extremely large man" strange.

I picked up a file labeled "Specialist Buckton" It looked cleaner and newer than the others. Hmm, specialist Eliza Buckton. Twenty years old, graduated from the IMC pilot certification course at the age of eighteen. Deployed to the frontier at the age of nineteen before going missing. I stared at the picture of a smiling cadet. Her light brown hair was tied up in a bun, and freckles littered her face. I read the last words in the file with a small amount of interest. Possible turncoat.

I was starting to get bored with two more files to read, but I tossed Eliza's file aside and picked up the next one anyways. Kizco "Kiz" Merril, one hundred seventy-five thousand dead. The supposed medic of strike team Jericho, near-perfect aim with his CAR. He seems pretty boring.

The last file was as skinny as the one about the man named Briss. Name, unknown. Phase pilot, dual-wields wingman revolvers. Has been known to snap necks, and slit throats on his more stealthy missions. Nicknamed "the shadow" by the grunts... impressive. The thing that really caught my eye, aside from the incident reports, was the one million dollar bounty on his head.

I licked my lips as I tossed the file down, and looked up from my makeshift coffee table. Standing guard at the door to my room was a pair of spectres. Both had their faceplates painted with blood, and a few bones had been strung onto their armor.

"You two, get the rest of the squad ready to do one more sweep of the facility. I want to make sure our... visitors... will be welcome." I picked my rifle up and grabbed my small bag of gear. Then looked at the special stealth helmet that had been made just for me. "They'll be here within the next few days if Marder's intel is good."

The two spectres gave a mechanical and distorted, growl of understanding. Then they left at a brisk pace, their metal feet hitting the floor with loud thuds. I gave one last look at my blood-soaked and heavily tallied, helmet. Its dead blue visor stared back at me as I giggled. "You'll hunt soon, just not today."

Before putting it on, I gave my helmet a little kiss.

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