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Caleb's POV

after around twenty minutes of everyone freaking out, we finally got Neeka to wake up and saying half cracked out sentences.

"wubaluba duh duh?" Neeka's eyes were partially rolled backward while her jaw hung open slightly.

"Umm, I think we should probably find a medic." The girl with the R-97 said as she gently looked over Neeka's face.

"Nah, she's fine. She's done this before, you just have to wait a minute." I responded, standing behind the small group of pilots with Droz, Davis, and Bear.

Neeka's eyes seemed to focus, and her jaw suddenly clamped shut. She had a steely look in her eye, and she seemed to see right through everyone. "This mortal body yearns for the brewed poison." She growled as convincingly as possible.

"Um, are you sure she's fine?" The girl with the R-97 asked as she gently grabbed Neeka's shoulders.

I pulled a grenade off of Davis's hip, and waved it in front of Neeka's face. It immediately broke her from her trance, and her eyes tracked the explosive object like it was food. "You want it girl, do ya?"

Neeka was drooling, and her eyes were wide as she stared at the grenade. "Y- yeah."

I threw the grenade into the hallway, and out of the titan bay. Neeka chased after it like she was a dog chasing a bone.

A guy with pulse blade gear stared after her before turning to me. "Who are you again?"

"Caleb, he's my son and your new teammate. Got that, Kiz?" Everyone's attention fliped to Gates, who was sitting next to a makeshift table, propping her feet up on another chair while holding a beer bottle in her hand.

Immediately the group of pilots surrounded me, and I was face to face with a very tall grapple pilot. "So you're the new recruit? Welcome to the team, my name is Alpine. The cheery IMC recruit over there is Elizabeth. The behemoth with the belt-fed Devotion is Briss. The medic with the pulse blades is Kiz. The phase pilot with the Chrysalis patch painted onto the side of his head is Shadow." Alpine looked towards the door. "I didn't realize Neeka was friends with the boss's kid."

I shrugged before replying. "I get around, haven't seen you guys though." Which is pretty strange considering this is the only carrier in the fleet. Maybe they operate primarily on one of the dreadnaughts, and come here for supplies? The grapple pilot looked me over some more before shrugging himself.

"I'm usually in the command center, planning ops, orchestrating raids, that sort of thing." Before I could ask more, Alpine was lightly elbowed out of the way by the girl who I now knew was named Elizabeth. A smile was on her face as she reached out for a handshake.

"So you're Caleb? I thought you'd be taller." I returned the smile but was blushing as I shook her hand.

"Sorry, I don't mean to disappoint." Neeka, who currently had the grenade clutched in her mouth, bounded back into the titan bay on all fours.

"MY BETH FRIEND ITH JOINING MY TEAM!" I was tackled to the ground for the second time that day, Neeka spat the grenade out, before grinning widely. "WE'VE GOT OUR OWN DROPSHIP AND EVERYTHING, IT'S AWESOME! YOU'RE GONNA LOVE IT!"

Before anyone could argue, and before I could get a better look at my new titan, I was practically dragged away from my mother by Neeka. my uncles, and mother, waved at me as my new team walked along with me.

Elizabeth smiled again, her helmet now in her hands. "Welcome to strike team Jericho, mister Gates." her face was still smiling as she pulled her helmet on.

(its been millennia since i updated this book, so I thought i'd update it, and see what you guys thought. i hope you're all having a wonderful day. like i said, tell me what ya think...

and I'll see ya latter kids.)

the new kid (titanfall x rwby) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now