meet your mech

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caleb's POV

"HEY, get up you lazy bum."

The lights in my room flipped on, and immediately I tried to cover my face with my covers. "Dude, it's like oh five hundred." I groaned out as my mom walked into my room.

She laughed a little, before pulling my covers off my face. "You're damn right it is, AND it's your birthday. Now are you gonna lay in bed all day or do you wanna meet your new titan." Oh shit that's right, I'm seventeen today. "Get your armor on, and meet me in the titan bay. Ive got something special for you."

I sat up and saw my mom, wave at me as she left my room. That was quick, she usually stays for a minute to tell me how the day's supposed to go. whatever, I guess I better get ready.

I rolled myself out of bed, and looked around at my room, or more accurately, my cabin. Spray painted graffiti was all over the place, thanks to my best friend. A couple disassembled rifles sat in the corner of my room, and on my workbench, different caliber reloading benches sat off to the side. The thing that really caught my eye was my IMC made helmet that sat on the workbench.

"Today is gonna be a good day, I can feel it." I whispered to myself, grabbing the helmet, and my shemagh, before quickly getting ready.

I was briskly walking through the halls of the six four's main carrier, named "the king's head" when suddenly I heard what sounded like a raging bull running down the hall towards me. Ohhh no, this is not gonna be good.

A girl, about the height of a short teenager came barreling towards me at mach five speeds. "CALEB" When she hit me I ended up on the ground with her sitting on top of me.

"Good morning to you too Neeka." I said while holding my chest in pain. The young demolitions expert just smiled ear to ear like she always did when she saw me. "Guesswahtcaleb,waitnodontguessjustlistenokay.Okaysothecooksdowninthelabwereexperimentingandtheythinktheyfiguredouthowtomakeastimforhumanpilots,notjustroboticones,buttheyneededatestsubjectandiwasinconspicuoslywalkingbywheniheardthemtalkingaboutitandyouknowhowiamwithnewthingssoitotallyhadtotryitandivebeentobothsidesoftheshipinfifteenminutesitsCRAZYijusthopeidonthaveaseriouscrashaafterthis.Oranyserioussideeffects,thatwouldreallysuck."

There was dead silence as I stared at the demolitions expert in a mixture of fear and awe. "Umm, what."

Before I could get another word out, she smashed her helmet into mine, before screaming "GOTTA GO, BYE KIDDO." and running down the hallway from where I had come.

I watched her go, and felt my head hurt through my helmet. Maybe the druggies down in reaserch need to make some tranquilizers, and not stimulants. I pushed myself off the ground and continued on my way towards the titan bay.

As I entered the titan bay, the lights suddenly flipped on and eight people jumped out of different hiding places aroud the room screaming "Surprise."

I kinda expected it though so it wasnt really a surprise, what was a surprise was the vanguard class titan at the back of the room. There was a big bow right on the front of the titan, along with a very haphazard paper banner that read. "Happy seventeenth birthday Caleb." I burst out laughing at the banner, and walked into the room to quickly be greeted by my mother.

"Happy birthday kiddo, there's some people I want you to meet here, along with a couple of friends of yours that wanted to swoop by and say hi." Gates gestured to the several party guests scattered around the room, and a couple of them caught my eye.

"Uncle Davis, uncle Droz, whats up guys." It'd been a while since id seen the two, and it made my day that I got to see them.

"Hey there kid, how are you." Droz asked, before quickly being interrupted by Davis.

"HE'S FAN FUCKING TASTIC, BECAUSE HE'S SEVENTEEN. PLUS HE'S GETTING HIS FIRST TITAN TODAY." Davis was quickly whacked over the top of his head by Bear, and Gates.

"You might wanna watch your mouth Davis." Droz said patting Davis on the shoulder.

"Ow ow ow ow, look, if the kid is old enough to have his own titan, then he's old enough to hear the F-bomb a couple of times." Davis responded to the annoyance of Gates.

"He'll always be that little boy we found in that village to me. Even if he's piloting a forty ton mech." Gates pulled her helmet off to show her smiling face, a few of the others did too, and suddenly gates realized something. "Oh yes, your titan, her serial number is VK-1016, and as I'm sure you can tell, she's a vanguard class titan.

I talked to droz, davis, and bear for a little while longer before gates pulled me towards a seperate group of people. "Meet your new strike team kiddo." My eyes landed on a small group of pilots the one that caught my eye was a girl, with an R-97 straped to her back.

Her armor was pretty standard for a militia pilot who had defected from the IMC, it looked new and clean when in comparison to the militia's worn and dirty look. She, along with the others took off their helmets, before I, or anyone, could say a word, the sound of someone rushing down the hall caught everyones attention.

I bet me that's Neeka, she's probably about to crash after that high from the stim. I was proven right, as Neeka stumbled into the titan bay seemingly exhausted. "Heeeeyyyyyyy guuuuuyyyys, I'm not laaaaaaaaaaaaaaate am I." I was about to answer when she collapsed to the floor.

(okay, so as part of the rewriting process, ive decided to introduce the pilots that were originally going to be seeking revenge for caleb's "death" of course theres a few special people, and one very special person, that you'll all meet in future chapters.

i hope you all liked this chapter and i'll see you kiddos next time.)

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