killers strike first~

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(Lance corporal Verona Katener's POV, FOB "Kodak", eastern Atlas.)

"It's cold as shit."

"I don't think shits very cold, John."

"Everything's cold here! The tanks would get cold if we let them sit long enough! They'd turn into big freezers, and homes for the ice Beowolves and Manticores."

Me and my squad were currently standing guard at FOB Kodak, on the eastern border. Watching some Beowolves a ways off fighting in a small canyon. I looked over to John, one of the new privates, and nodded towards the actual base part of forward operating base Kodak. "If you're so cold, head inside."

"I don't want to... I like it out here." Bullshit. I rolled my eyes quietly, John's head turning a bit to look at the sergeant of a different squad. Sergeant Eva, one of the many Faunus soldiers in the Atleasian army. Her wolf ears lightly frosted with snow.

"That, or you like someone out here, huh, rook?" I chuckled a bit, while John growled at me, before we settled back into our small sandbag fortification. I snuggled my rifle while watching for any sign of danger. "She is hot though~"

John chuckled and whacked me lightly. "Shut up!" We both heard what sounded like a distant stomping noise, the pair of us, and several others, looking up in surprise and confusion. "The... hell is that?" I grabbed my binoculars and leaned forwards a little, trying to see through the light drizzle of snow.

About one hundred or two hundred meters away, a very odd sight was making its way through the atlas snow. There was a large robot, kinda like a paladin, with thin arms and legs. Its main body resembling a box, with a large rectangular eye, and a large sword on its back. To its left and right were people, or, robots shaped like people. They were carrying odd rifles, and from this distance, I could tell there was something off about them but I couldn't tell what.

The hell? "SERGEANT! I think you should-" Before I could finish, the large robot made a slashing motion, and a large wave of what looked like crackling lightning surged towards my position. "MOVE!" I shoved John out of our little sandbag fortification, just before the wave passed straight through it and slammed into two tanks.

The pair burst into flames almost immediately, exploding into shrapnel and scattering debris all over the small FOB. the main building, being little more than a tent, was shredded from the shrapnel, while the armored vehicles and small entrenchments wethered the shrapnel well.

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK! MAN YOUR STATIONS!" The aforementioned sergeant Eva yelled, climbing on top of an APC and racking the bolt of its turret's machine gun back. "CHAVEZ, RAMIREZ, I WANT YOU TWO TO LAY DOWN SOME COVERING FIRE! CORPORAL DUNN! COVER OUR RIGHT SIDE FLANK!"

Well she sure takes- I couldn't even finish my thought before the APC she was in was hit by a massive rocket, the APC flipped back onto its ass, before rolling onto its side. Eva coughed and gagged while climbing out. The massive hole in the APC's nose spewed fire.

John hurried over to help her, while me and a few others turned to face the enemy. What the hell is going on?! I let a small spread of rounds off towards the smaller figures next to the larger robot, to little effect. Are they fuking Atleasian knights? Is that a goddamn paladin?

"SOMEONE GET ME A MEDIC! You're gonna be alright sergeant!" John yelled while putting pressure on a small wound that Eva had. Taking a quick breath, I looked back up towards the enemy force to see the three combat droids marching towards us. Oddly enough, the big robot was now gone. What?! Where the hell did it go?!

After a few moments of light gunfire, there was a loud crackling sound, and a white electric flash in my face as the large robot appeared in front of me and the others out of nowhere. Are you fucking kidding me!? Me and several other infantrymen opened fire on the robot, only for several of the others to be sliced in half in a single sword stroke from the giant robot.

The robot's sword narrowly missed me, slicing into the APC Eva had been in, and going straight through. The sword narrowly missed Eva and John while cutting a whole squad in half. How the hell did it appear out of nowhere!?

The robot kept cutting its way through the camp, before finally stopping, and that's when the three smaller combat droids arrived, rifles in hand. They cut down Dunn like he was nothing, and when Chavez and Ramirez rushed them to fight in melee, but the robots were relentless, tearing them apart, limb from limb.

"WE SURRENDER! WE FUCKING SURRENDER!" The highest-ranking, and only remaining officer of any sort yelled. Staff sergeant Roach, his rifle on the ground and his hands raised to the giant robot, which seemed to just stare at him.

In an instant, the smaller robots stopped their assault, instead just aiming their rifles at the remaining fifteen of us. Their heads were triangular-shaped, and they all had a little antenna on the right side of their heads, with "eyes" on both sides of their triangular heads.

I took a moment to look around at the other troopers, Eva and John were still alright, but most of the rest of us had either been hit or were absolutely horrified after watching our friends get sliced in half or disintegrated, or ripped apart. Most of the vehicles of the FOB had been absolutely shredded by the big robot. After taking a quick look around at our absolutely destroyed base, everyone nodded in agreement, dropping their rifles and lining up in surrender.

There was a moment of silence before the big robot's main body seemed to open, and a woman climbed out, hopping to the ground. It was at this point, the overwhelming stench of death hit my nose. It was also at this point, I noticed how awful the robots and the woman looked.

They were all covered with blood, when I say covered, I mean they'd be dripping with blood if it wasn't dried on like old cracking paint. They also had bones and flesh strep to them like trophies. In fact, I think it was a way of denoting rank for the robots, with the highest-ranking robot having the front half of a skull over its face, along with numerous other bones and flesh chunks all over its body. The woman had blood covering her rather sharp-looking armor, as did the massive robot, and she giggled while spinning a knife.

"Surrender is for little bitches!~" The woman giggled again, an evil giggle that sent chills down everyone's backs. "You're all my bitches now~" The woman started giggling madly as she suddenly yanked Eva onto her feet.

"Hey!" John went to get up, but was quickly shoved back down by the other robots. Fuck... this isnt good... This isnt good at all... "Let her go!" The woman ignored John, instead holding a knife to Eva's throat while the other held Eva close by one of her wolf ears. Eva's teeth were gritted in pain from the hand pulling on her ear.

The woman's giggles slowed to a low chuckle, before she slowly pulled Eva a bit closer, and licked one of Eva's wolf ears. "Heel, like a good dog~ or else lover boy gets it." The woman's voice was full of venom now, and she seemed a bit agitated now as Eva slowly, but obediently got on her knees in front of the woman. "Good girl~"

While Eva stayed quiet, gritting her teeth in defiance while the woman stroked her ears, John calmed back down slightly. Though, of course, he couldn't keep his mouth shut. "Get your hands off her, you crazy fucking witch!" Damnit John! Just shut up! This situations bad enough as is! I dont need another dead squadmate! Me and the rest of the survivors stayed quiet, but we were all tense in fear and anger at losing most of our troops.

"All of you are going to listen. All of you, belong to me now. All of you are going to behave, or you will die horribly." The woman's voice reminded me of a fucking demon as she nodded to John, before the two robots holding him away from Eva ripped his jaw from his head and double tapped him into the snow. "Some of you, will die. Some of you, will want to die. Then, some of you, will grow to like your new position." The woman kneeled down and kissed Eva deeply, before shoving her back into the snow and straddling her.

Fuck... I never shoulda listened to that fucking Atlas recruiter...

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