a surprisingly nice ice friend

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Caleb's POV

"So you're telling me, that you once killed a Howler, on your own, with nothing but a combat knife, and you aren't attending one of the major combat schools?!" Coco asked, eyebrows raised from behind her sunglasses. "Sounds like you need to enroll at Beacon, unless you're older than you look?"

I shook my head, leaning on a wall near the changing rooms while me and Coco waited for Velvet to show off an outfit Coco had picked for her. "Today is my birthday, seventeen years old." or at least, I THINK it's my birthday... can't really remember otherwise... Coco had been wearing a smirk on her face while we talked, which just deepened as I told her my age. "And you, smiles?"

"Eighteen, sonny boy." Coco's smirk went back to normal as she ruffled my hair, getting a lot closer to me. now that we were closer, I could tell she was a few inches taller than me, and her eyes seemed to have a certain fire about them. While I looked her over for a split second, a light blush grew on my face before I shrunk back a little. "Something wrong? You seem a bit nervous." Coco whispered, making me blush a bit more.

"J- just... j- just ne- never been th- this close to a g- g- girl before..." I whispered back. "That wasn't Neeka anyways..." I barely whispered to myself, sounding like the softest mumble. I also never thought I'd ever get this far with a girl... Unless she's joking... she's probably joking...

Coco's smirk grew more as she pulled away, leaning on the wall too now while inspecting me over yet again. "Maybe I'll get a bit closer~"

I felt my face heat up even more, probably turning a bright pink from the comment, but before I could respond, we heard a door creak, followed by a small sheepish voice with an accent like mine.

"Hows... this?" Velvet asked, walking out of the changing rooms in a flower dress. a light blush on her face as she looked at me and coco for affirmation or denial of her dress.

"It's perfect is what it is, Caleb, what do you think?" Coco asked, continuing to check out Velvet.

"It's, uh, its, f- fuck..." My mind went blank as I stared at Velvet, who looked absolutely adorable in her dress. Her bunny ears just make it so much cuter... not that she's not cute... but holy FUCK is she adorable...

(Elsewhere, VK's POV)

"I thought the Paladins weren't due for another few months, commander!" A girl wearing combat gear, and wielding a rifle, stood before me. Inspecting me while I stood still.

"They aren't, what are you- oh... what the... I don't think that's a Paladin." I continued to stay still, desperately trying to contact Caleb. Do I make contact? Do I stay still? Do I engage? Protocol two dictates that protocol three takes priority since I don't remember my mission, and I cannot complete protocol three if I am compromised, therefore I must establish contact with these soldiers, hopefully, they'll be understanding... IMC troops usually act a bit more aggressively.

"Hello, native soldiers, I am Vanguard class titan VECTOR, KILO, ONE ZERO ONE SIX. You may call me VK." I broke my solid stance for a bit more natural one, making the two soldiers jump back a bit, before the girl gasped, smiling as she started to look me over again."

"IT TALKS SIR!" The girl zipped all around me, before finally stopping in front of me. "THAT'S SO COOL!!"

The sergeant growled, raising his rifle to me, in response I leaned my XO-16 on my shoulder to use my vortex shield if I needed to. "I'm almost POSITIVE that thing ain't friendly, kim. Back up, I don't want you getting squished."

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