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so... since RWBY is pretty much dead now, I've decided that I'm not going to actively work on any of my RWBY stories. this is a mix of "I feel like I need to move on and start a new page in my writing life" and "I just don't have any interest in RWBY anymore." I'm sorry, to those of you that liked this, or any of, my RWBY crossovers, and maybe I'll come back to them, but for right now, they're all on hold... i hope I see you in one of my other stories that I plan to come out with soon, cause I do have several other ideas for stories. including HALO, star wars, SAO, a few original story ideas, a R6S story idea, and finally, several crossover ideas between all of the above. again, I'm sorry about this, and perhaps I'll come back to these stories... but I hope to see you all in one of my original stories.

the new kid (titanfall x rwby) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now