Chapter 1

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"Wake up darling, you have go to school. I know it is hard... atleast you have Annabel." Says my mom as a lump grows in my throat. I swallow a lot of my forced saliva... as if it is going to help.

"I will mum." I say, my voice cracking at the end. I hear her sigh, walking away from my bed. It's my turn to sigh, as I do. Moving the blanket which is helping me hide from the reality I am in, I make my way to the bathroom. Taking a close look at the boy in the mirror, I sigh once again.


"Bye honey! Try to make new friends!" My mom says as I try to smile at her. Today is the first day of Year 10. I close the door behind me, embracing myself for the cold wind to hit me. To me surprise, it is a little sunny. I try smiling at the sun, because atleast that is shining bright.

"Hi loser!" I heard someone say as I turned around to see Richard. What does he want now?

"You still have the nerve to go to the same school again?" He says and punches me in my gut. I stand still, because this pain is nothing compared to what I have been through the past years. One punch in my gut? Pfft, I have had worse.

"And again you stay as still as a statue." He says and kicks me in my private area. This one is new to me... so I fall down the cold sidewalk.

"Faggot." He says and walks away leaving me endure the pain he just caused me. I curl into a ball and lay on the ground for about 10 minutes.

"OH my gosh! Dan!" I heard someone say as I turn to see Anna running towards me.

"What happened? Did Richa-" I nod cutting her off.

"You want to slack today?" She asks as I smile at her pitying me.

"No, let's go to the concrete hell." I say as she smiles at me sympathetically.

In the hallways

"Will you be alright Dan? If not we can-"

"I am fine Anna. This is nothing new to me. Please stop worrying about me." I say a little annoyed. I mean, I know I am in a pathetic situation... why should people pity me? I don't like people pitying me!

"Fine, fine. Not need to be sassy with me. Take care. Bye." She says as walks to her class, all the boys eyeing her head to toe. I roll my eyes and turn around to a group of people glaring at me, and some pitying me... which is mostly teachers.

"Hi Mrs. Brown. How are you today?" I ask entering the empty classroom.

"I'm doing great Dan! How are you?" She asks as I force a smile.

"I am doing great too!" I say forcing excitement to be clear in my voice. She gives me a pityful smile as I mentally roll my eyes. All the teachers are really kind and nice to me... which is a very good thing if you ask me. Some give me less homework than others... WHICH IS GREAT.

"What did you eat for breakfast?" She asks as I think. I don't eat breakfasts... I just... don't.


*Ring ring*

"Excuse me." She says and attends the phone on her table. I take this opportunity to go sit down. Taking my notebook, I start to doodling while hearing Mrs.Brown talk into the phone.

"Oh that's great. I will tell the class. Hmm hmm. Okay. Thank you." She said into the phone as I sneak a glance of her keeping the phone on it's receiver. I quickly look back at my doodling once people flood into the class.

"Class." Says Mrs.Brown once everyone has sat down yet gaining everyone's attention immediately.

"We will be having a new student. Please do treat him like he is in our family." She says as everyone replies with a "Yes miss".

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